Lobster Issue 82 (Winter 2021)
[PDF file]: […] London: Profile Books, 2021, £20, h/b Dan Atkinson On March 20 1976, in the immediate wake of Harold Wilson’s resignation as Prime Minister and Labour leader, Margaret Thatcher told the Conservative Central Council about ‘a little piece of advice’ she had given him the previous week. ‘Go’ I said, ‘and go now’. ‘It’s always […]
Lobster Issue 70 (Winter 2015)
[PDF file]: […] and writer. His most recent book, on the Kennedy assassination, 1 There is one possible caveat here. It has been reported that during the Falklands/Malvinas war Mrs Thatcher threatened to use nuclear weapons against Argentina unless the French state gave the British the codes to disable the electronics of the French-manufactured Exocet missiles which […]
Lobster Issue 64 (Winter 2012)
[PDF file]: […] the Bridge Robin Ramsay The right madness I was flipping through Richard Cockett’s Thinking the Unthinkable (Fontana, 1995) about the influence of the ‘think tanks’ on the Thatcher revolution, and noticed a quote from a 1968 Fabian pamphlet on the then politically insignificant ‘New Right’ – essentially the Institute for Economic Affairs – and […]