Friends of Israel Booth pdf

Lobster Issue

[…] friend of Israel currently portrayed by Aked. That doesn’t look likely in the present dilapidated state of British democracy. But I felt that about Britain when Margaret Thatcher continued to support apartheid South Africa in the face of growing world outrage. Israel under Benjamin Netanyahu is rapidly running out of international credit at the […]

Tittle Tattle

Lobster Issue 62 (Winter 2011) FREE

[PDF file]: […] under its new editor Chris Blackhurst.7 Alongside Hill for several years in the company founded 6 7 by Tim (Lord) Bell, the man who helped make Margaret Thatcher, was Mattinson, Gould’s old sidekick in the ‘modernisation’ of Labour. Hill’s partner is Hilary Coffman, who previously worked for Kinnock and Michael Foot. BAP and the […]


Lobster Issue

[…] Herb Meyer worked with David Hart and Brian Crozier in the 1980s peddling the ‘enemy within’ story. See and . 5 7 8 a Soviet satellite. Mrs Thatcher, leader of the Conservative Party, certainly believed something like this and, while Leader of the Opposition, tried to get the state to take the allegations about […]

The Black Door: Spies, Secret Intelligence and British Prime Ministers by Richard Aldrich and Rory Cormac

Lobster Issue 72 (Winter 2016) FREE

[PDF file]: […] Committee. Only kidding of course. The Commons Intelligence Select Committee is really just a parliamentary spittoon into which the intelligence agencies occasionally feel obliged to gob. Under Thatcher there was the dramatic rise of private intelligence agencies run by various of her admirers, Brian Crozier and the like, that operated alongside MI5. CND was […]

The economic crisis continues

Lobster Issue 61 (Summer 2011) FREE

[PDF file]: […] the economically active state (except to save bankers)? Its senior figures are too young to remember how an industrial strategy was done before the arrival of Mrs Thatcher. Institutionally the Conservative Party hasn’t believed in an industrial strategy since 1979. The John Major government in the 1990s, mainly in the shape of the Chancellor […]

And in 5th Place? The long march to Freeport UK

Lobster Issue 80 (Winter 2020) FREE

[PDF file]: […] . . . I’m also anti-German. Anti-all-Europeans actually Oh yes – if I had my way I’d form my own party far more right wing than Margaret Thatcher I’d bring back National Service, the Scaffold, Reflecting on the who’s who of the Grand Bahama Port Authority, one is struck by how out of his […]

Asil Nadir: another victim of the arms-to-Iraq conspiracy?

Lobster Issue 66 (Winter 2013) FREE

[PDF file]: […] letter he had written to the attorney-general in support of Asil Nadir. Mates was a poll tax rebel and a key figure in the removal of Margaret Thatcher. He had given a watch to Nadir, a Tory donor, engraved, ‘Don’t let the buggers get you down’. Mates was a defence witness at Nadir’s 2012 […]

Misleading Parliament – Appendices

Lobster Issue 86 (2023) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] had said to Mr Higgins – i.e. that I had only one ‘job description’. That was also made clear in a report by MI5 in 1975 (see attached extract). Some of the Govt Departments, such as the MoD, would have known that what Mrs Thatcher said in her letter to Terence Higgins MP was untrue.

The Siege: A Six-Day Hostage Crisis and the Daring Special-Forces Operation that Shocked the World by Ben Macintyre

Lobster Issue 90 (2025) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] regiment at the time – four of whom were actually members of the ‘Pagoda’ assault team. Then there’s the versions by political and policing figures – Margaret Thatcher, Willie Whitelaw, Douglas Hurd and (Metropolitan Police Commissioner) Sir David McNee – who also were integral at some level. That’s another four. There is the autobiography […]

The Deficit Myth: Modern Monetary Theory and How to Build a Better Economy by Stephanie Kelton

Lobster Issue 80 (Winter 2020) FREE

[PDF file]: […] developed to oppose the monetary orthodoxy that was used to first hobble the Labour Government of the 1970s and then to crucify the UK economy when Margaret Thatcher gave the UK monetarism at full throttle. Although he wrote articles from time to time in the London Review of Books,5 the task of fully articulating […]

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