The Scottish National Party and the American State

Lobster Issue 85 (Summer 2023) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] will of the party is void: Sturgeon is the party. The party payroll is as close to a cult as I have witnessed in mainstream UK politics. Thatcher experienced greater dissension within the Tories at the height of her popularity. There are two main schools of thought regarding Sturgeon’s inaction in progressing independence. * […]

Books on New Labour

Lobster Issue 59 (Summer 2010) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] the tough world of NUM politics, largely keeping from public view his disagreements with Mick McGahey and Arthur Scargill and others while facing the venom of Margaret Thatcher and the power of the state. This is an insider’s view of the 1984/85 miners’ strike, the subsequent closures and the working of the NUM. But […]

The British Gladio and the murder of Sergeant Speed

Lobster Issue 81 (Summer 2021) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] ‘enemy within’ story. See and . 9 5 believe, it’s difficult to be sure which – that Britain was in danger of becoming a Soviet satellite. Mrs Thatcher, leader of the Conservative Party, certainly believed something like this and, while Leader of the Opposition, tried to get the state to take the allegations about […]

Book reviews

Lobster Issue

[…] the tough world of NUM politics, largely keeping from public view his disagreements with Mick McGahey and Arthur Scargill and others while facing the venom of Margaret Thatcher and the 190 Summer 2010 power of the state.1 1 This is an insider’s view of the 1984/85 miners’ strike, the subsequent closures and the working […]

Nixon’s Nuclear Specter by William Burr and Jeffrey P. Kimball

Lobster Issue 70 (Winter 2015) FREE

[PDF file]: […] and writer. His most recent book, on the Kennedy assassination, 1 There is one possible caveat here. It has been reported that during the Falklands/Malvinas war Mrs Thatcher threatened to use nuclear weapons against Argentina unless the French state gave the British the codes to disable the electronics of the French-manufactured Exocet missiles which […]

Operation Chiffon by Peter Taylor

Lobster Issue 87 (2023) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] detail he gives on the Maze Prison ‘dirty protests’. Nor how the Brighton bomb affected the UK government’s public stance – including the reinforced ‘obduracy’ of Margaret Thatcher. Nor Taylor’s take on the Miami Showband killings which, I have to say, he gets very wrong. He bizarrely states that: The fact that Crozier and […]

Taylor Operation Chiffon

Lobster Issue

[…] detail he gives on the Maze Prison ‘dirty protests’. Nor how the Brighton bomb affected the UK government’s public stance – including the reinforced ‘obduracy’ of Margaret Thatcher. Nor Taylor’s take on the Miami Showband killings which, I have to say, he gets very wrong. He bizarrely states that: The fact that Crozier and […]

The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] the bridge Robin Ramsay The right madness I was flipping through Richard Cockett’s Thinking the Unthinkable (Fontana, 1995) about the influence of the ‘think tanks’ on the Thatcher revolution, and noticed a quote from a 1968 Fabian pamphlet on the then politically insignificant ‘New Right’ – essentially the Institute for Economic Affairs – and […]

Taylor Operation Chiffon

Lobster Issue

[…] detail he gives on the Maze Prison ‘dirty protests’. Nor how the Brighton bomb affected the UK government’s public stance – including the reinforced ‘obduracy’ of Margaret Thatcher. Nor Taylor’s take on the Miami Showband killings which, I have to say, he gets very wrong. He bizarrely states that: The fact that Crozier and […]

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