Scott et al

Lobster Issue 31 (June 1996) £££

[…] the Arabs. What they have omitted – perhaps because it is so obvious – is the fact that the pressure was coming as a result of the Thatcher administration’s assault on the British manufacturing sector, in the 1980-83 period in particular. This was rationalised at the time by the likes of then Chancellor of […]

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New Labour Notes

Lobster Issue 37 (Summer 1999) £££

[…] director, Christopher James…..Baroness Smith joins Sir Brian Cubbon, a former top civil servant, Lord Laing of Dunphail, Treasurer of the Conservative Party towards the end of the Thatcher period…Earl Jellicoe….Sir Peter Cazalet, director of the P and O Group, former BP Chairman…and Sir Peter Holmes, one-time managing director of Shell….. brochure makes clear that […]

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Thatcher versus the City of London

Lobster Issue 60 (Winter 2010) FREE

[PDF file]: […] section for the first time in years and it struck me as rather interesting that the last prime minister who had tried to challenge the City was Thatcher, and she lost. Thatcher versus the City of London Robin Ramsay The older I get the more I am struck by the economic illiteracy of our […]

Thatcher’s Secret War Subversion, Coercion, Secrecy and Government, 1974-90

Lobster Issue

[…] as Robin Ramsan. Duncan Campbell is mentioned twice, en passant, but is missed by Bloom’s indexer. The book is in two distinct sections: the 1974-1979 period, before Thatcher took office, and her period at No. 10. The 1974-79 period is the most interesting to me and about which I know most, and it is […]

More Notes on the Right

Lobster Issue 13 (1987) £££

[…] the present Thatcherite faction in the Tory Party. When it comes, if it comes, it will be coded. It may have already happened. Just before Christmas Mrs Thatcher expressed her hope for a third term in office to enable her to rid this country of socialism “an alien creed”. This use of “alien” is […]

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Jim Callaghan: the life and times of Solomon Binding

Lobster Issue 49 (Summer 2005) £££

[…] – almost all low level and localised – ran at a high level, climaxing with Arthur Scargill and the 1984-1985 NUM strike, the defeat of which allowed Thatcher to pursue deliberate de-industrialisation. Following this the figures for days lost through industrial stoppages declined to almost nothing. Adopting Donovan would have avoided much of this […]

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Margaret Thatcher: Vol 1: The Grocer’s Daughter

Book cover
Lobster Issue 40 (Winter 2000/1) £££

[…] describes her political career to 1979 in great detail and provides enough personal information to understand how she acquired that rigid, humourless, repressed, character. But where Mrs Thatcher is concerned, an orthodox biography doesn’t make it. None of the paramilitary and psy-ops events of the 1974-79 period which led to her 1979 election victory […]

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Good-bye Tony

Lobster Issue 53 (Summer 2007) £££

[…] oppressive anti-terror and crime and disorder laws and politically correct legislation such as the Race Relations Amendment (2001) Act. Blair has done to the Labour Party what Thatcher did to the Conservatives, hollowed it out by throwing away all its traditional values. We are now left with a political system in which the only […]

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Euro-bound? Or: the same river twice

Lobster Issue 39 (Summer 2000) £££

[…] prices are too high to compete abroad. We are now into the third year of the current period of living with a pound valued too highly. Like Thatcher and her Chancellor of the Exchequer, Geoffrey Howe, in 1979-81, Labour has no exchange rate policy. Indeed, Gordon Brown warns of the perils of having one. […]

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The Myth of the SAS

Lobster Issue 30 (December 1995) £££

[…] the ‘quintessential figure of masculinity’ has a considerable pedigree, but it does seem as if the SAS have successfully established themselves as the ‘soldier heroes’ of the Thatcher years and beyond.(1) What I shall attempt here is an examination of this myth of the SAS as it is elaborated in Peter de la Billiere’s […]

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