Lobster Issue 72 (Winter 2016)
[PDF file]: The Neoconservative Threat to World Order Washington’s perilous war for hegemony Paul Craig Roberts Atlanta (GA): Clarity Press, 2016, $29.95, p/b Chances are you already know the author’s writing: if you’re reading Lobster you’re probably also reading other left-leaning sites and Roberts is widely published on them. Roberts is a very striking figure. A distinguished […]
Lobster Issue 66 (Winter 2013)
[PDF file]: […] unaffiliated member of the House of Lords. How is it, towards the East? For anyone wanting to actively avoid the ludicrous and delusional media overkill of the Thatcher funeral, the Diamond Jubilee and the Royal baby earlier this year, the mixed media exhibition that ran at the Calvert 22 gallery in May-June would have […]
Lobster Issue 83 (Summer 2022)
[PDF file]: Inside the Trump Administration Revolution: Trump, Washington and ‘We The People’ K T McFarland New York: Post Hill Press, 2020 In Trump Time: A Journal of America’s Plague Year Peter Navarro St Petersburg, Florida: All Seasons Press, 2021 The Chief’s Chief Mark Meadows St Petersburg, Florida: All Seasons Press, 2021 I’ll Take Your Questions Now: […]
Lobster Issue 72 (Winter 2016)
[PDF file]: […] to reality as the revolutionary left’s ideas. But along with the delusions of the true believers, the ideologists, there has been politics, as usual. Those around Mrs Thatcher and Keith Joseph in the mid 1970s adopted socalled monetarism2 (a) because it gave them a stick with which to beat the (Keynesian) Heathites who had […]
Lobster Issue 80 (Winter 2020)
[PDF file]: […] reoccurs elsewhere in the book. We’re told that, during the Cold War, leaks from heroic defectors and double agents helped preserve peace. For instance, they helped convince Thatcher that Mikhail Gorbachev was serious about reforming the Soviet Union. Norton-Taylor also gives honourable mentions to politicians like Robin Cook, Tam Dalyell and Menzies Campbell for […]
Lobster Issue 83 (Summer 2022)
[PDF file]: A Difference of Opinion: My Political Journey Jim Sillars Edinburgh: Birlinn, 2021, £14.99 John Booth There aren’t many people still active in British politics who served in the Royal Navy when sailors were given 200 free cigarettes a month.1 But Jim Sillars is one of them and has lived to reflect thoughtfully on the 65 […]
Lobster Issue 71 (Summer 2016)
[PDF file]: […] I acquired Atkinson’s obscure booklet from eBay. The first is the following assertion (p. 14): ‘Because Fleet Street expressed pre-Falklands doubts 3 7 as to whether Margaret Thatcher could deliver a second Tory Government, the possibility of a new pro-European Democratic Alliance was explored immediately following Labour’s defeat in 1979 – indeed talks did […]