Lobster Issue 63 (Summer 2012)
[PDF file]: […] phrase ‘the change of government’: ‘The thing is there were some senior people in the forces at the time who were very right-wing and they thought that Thatcher coming in gave them carte blanche to get up to all sorts of things. We heard whispers that some of these people were trying to destabilise […]
Lobster Issue 85 (Summer 2023)
[PDF file]: […] spend sufficient money maintaining it.’ (p. 215) Grenfell Tower was completed in 1974 and built to the mandatory ParkerMorris standards for space, heating and amenity which Margaret Thatcher effectively ended in 1980. The wealthy part of reportedly the most unequal borough in the country – home at one time to Cameron’s ‘Notting Hill set’ […]
Lobster Issue 69 (Summer 2015)
[PDF file]: […] actual evidence of its existence. The DVD did not originate in Shrimpton’s mind. As far as I can tell, it originated in the mind of self-styled former Thatcher advisor, the late Christopher Story, who also (along with one time Joint Intelligence Committee chairman Percy Cradock) believed that the fall of Communism was a hoax […]
Lobster Issue 69 (Summer 2015)
[PDF file]: […] immense hardship, the daily abuse of the press and a degree of police repression not seen since the 1930s. As he points out, the union argued that Thatcher ‘had 70 pits on a secret hit list’ and planned the effective destruction of the coal industry, something that was vehemently and categorically denied at the […]
Lobster Issue 71 (Summer 2016)
[PDF file]: […] . The police were a vital arm of the British state in the Eighties as bloody battles were fought against criminals, football hooligans and trade unionists. Mrs Thatcher needed the police to take on the miners. She was, and is, an icon to Tories like myself. It pains me to write this, but we […]