Lobster Issue 36 (Winter 1998/9) £££
[…] resign; he would not be prosecuted. This agreement was reached just before Pat and I received Zander’s first phone-call. But the Prime Minister was no gentleman. Mrs Thatcher had returned from holiday on the Tuesday and was informed about Ponting. She decided to renege on the agreement Ponting thought he had and nail him […]
Lobster Issue 15 (1988) £££
[…] Dept. Head of Station 1959 FO 1960 Counsellor, Washington, Head of Station 1973 Chief of MI6 1977 Retired 1978 Fellow of All Souls, Oxford 1979 Recalled by Thatcher: Sec. and Int. Co-ordinator, Northern Ireland 1980 retired PERKINS, Col. Harold (Perks) Prague University Merchant Navy Officer (Master Mariner) Owner of a steel mill in Poland […]
Lobster Issue 27 (1994) £££
[…] was the output of these disinformation programmes (a couple of examples are reprinted in this volume) that a tape recording in which the voices of Reagan and Thatcher had been edited together to apparently show them discussing a nuclear attack on the Soviet Union was attributed to the KGB. In the event the tape […]
Lobster Issue 49 (Summer 2005) £££
[…] the less well off simply disappeared from the electoral register to avoid payment. No-one’s quite sure how many voters disappeared in this way, but Baroness Thatcher herself has been quoted as saying that the Poll Tax helped win the ropey-looking 1992 election for the Conservative party. She put the number of disappearing […]
Lobster Issue 34 (Winter 1997) £££
[…] spelling of General Galtieri. Sinking the Belgrano was popular with the majority of the Brits who were deep into a nostalgic imperial relapse at the time; Mrs Thatcher won the 1983 election at a canter; and the British government did not invite Galtieri to send in his troops. World in Review is also dotted […]
Lobster Issue 55 (Summer 2008) £££
[…] war criminal. Where do you stop? Izbegovic is just as much a war criminal, and if Tudjman wasn’t dying he would be one also. And Pinochet, Margaret Thatcher…….’ After Iraq, discovering that NATO’s account of the break-up of Yugoslavia was a series of lies will hardly be a surprise (if you didn’t know this […]
Lobster Issue 12 (1986) £££
The British Right — Scratching the surface After World War 2 the role of strike-breaker and public anti-socialist campaigner was picked up by Edward Martell. (94) Martell, who had been a member of the Liberal Party until the early 1950s (a member of the ‘libertarian’ rump of the party), set up his Free Press Society […]
Lobster Issue 26 (1993) £££
[…] a private security firm (who, I kid you not, codenamed Gable ‘Horse’!) and a Tory MP. The outcome was a police report which ‘was given to Mrs Thatcher at a meeting in Downing Street and to Lord Bridge, then Chairman of the Security Commission’. Murray leaves this extraordinary episode thus: What happened from that […]
Lobster Issue 34 (Winter 1997) £££
[…] secret state and its opponents and/or victims. Because there is so much information in this period, inevitably the most interesting and most detailed section is on the Thatcher years. There are no great revelations here, but there are some incidents I had forgotten about (and some I’d never heard of); and since I can’t […]
Lobster Issue 41 (Summer 2001) £££
Crosland lives! Managing the World Economy John Mills MacMillan, London, 2000, £42.50 (hb) John Mills argues in this book that the central problem facing any economy is that of creating and sustaining growth. This is true not only for the older developed economies of the United States and Europe, including Britain, but also for … Read more