The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue 71 (Summer 2016) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] politicians is that they don’t know what they’re doing. In this instance that is literally true. Our man in Barnsley? The former MI5 officer and whistle-blower David Shayler went from being a hero to many to a figure of fun when he changed his name, began wearing women’s clothes and talking new age nonsense.87 […]

Lobster review: Green Anarchist, issue 63, Summer 2001

Lobster Issue

A  review of Lobster in Green Anarchist, issue 63, Summer 2001

[PDF file]: […] weapons bombs in the 1991 Gulf War. We find ample more , recent material on Princess Diana and her unfortunate encounter with the thirteenth pillar. Stuff about Shayler. There are book reviews a’ plenty, The View From The Bridge’ editorials, all of it measured and factual, copiously referenced and annotated. By issue 39, Robin […]

The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue 72 (Winter 2016) FREE

[PDF file]: […] Counter Spy by Simon Tomlin.5 0 In that section Machon reports that a source in MI5 she calls Swallow Tail told her and her then partner David Shayler that Tony Blair was recruited by MI5 to report on the left within the Labour Party, around the time he was selected to stand for the […]

Armed and Dangerous: the corporate origins of war with Iran

Lobster Issue 63 (Summer 2012) FREE

[PDF file]: […] the book. But its claims that Sessargo was a ‘Walter Mitty’ smacked of previous campaigns to discredit whistleblowers from Colin Wallace and Fred Holroyd through to David Shayler. Also, if Sessargo were simply a fantasist, why (as Barry Wigmore of the Daily Mail claimed) was he ‘more hated than Bin Laden’, in the ranks […]

Her Majesty’s secret servants

Lobster Issue 62 (Winter 2011) FREE

[PDF file]: […] years.1 Neither proposition has ever been better illustrated than by this country’s foreign policy towards Libya in the past 20 years or so. Former MI5 officer David Shayler reported that in 1996 MI6 had paid £100,000 to a Libyan Islamist group for the assassination of Colonel Gadaffi; and, although denied by the British formal […]

The Defence of the Realm

Lobster Issue

[…] left and right. Page 141 Winter 2009/10 Lobster 58 That advice had been coming from Crozier and his colleagues.7 A cautious, tiresomely bureaucratic MI5 is how David Shayler saw the organisation in the 1990s. But even if we accept Andrew’s sanitised version of the story, that the events of the 1974-76 period – which […]


Lobster Issue

[…] the material covering the 1970s and 80s, very poor indeed. None of the insiders who have talked critically about MI5 in the post 1964 era – Massiter, Shayler, Machon, Holroyd, Wallace, to name just the obvious examples – are quoted or cited. The official version is always treated as if it were unchallenged. This […]

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