Lobster Issue 69 (Summer 2015)
[PDF file]: […] democracy, the Shah. Jimmy Carter took the blame for that, and America launched itself into twenty years of living in a fairy tale world narrated by Ronald Reagan, followed by ten years of fear happily stoked by the very people who’d sold America the fairy-tale Kool-Aid in the first place. 1 Officially the United […]
Lobster Issue 69 (Summer 2015)
[PDF file]: […] as president in 1980 by arranging that the Iranian state not release the hostages taken from the American embassy until after the presidential election of 1980, which Reagan won. The relationship between America and Saudi Arabia – the real ‘special relationship’ – was cemented with the 1973 Saudi-American deal that the Saudis would only […]
Lobster Issue 69 (Summer 2015)
[PDF file]: […] history, the Stop the War march of 15 February 2003, presumably because it was against a Labour government. He ferociously condemns Thatcher for her relationship with Ronald Reagan, but is much more relaxed about Blair’s relationship with George W. Bush, a relationship that was sealed in a great deal of blood. The disastrous Iraq […]
Lobster Issue 80 (Winter 2020)
[PDF file]: The view from the bridge Robin Ramsay Thanks to Nick Must (in particular) and Garrick Alder for editorial and proofreading assistance. Simon says Regular contributor to these columns, Simon Matthews, has a new book out. Looking for a New England, the sequel to his Psychedelic Celluloid, is published on 28 January 2021. Details of what […]
Lobster Issue 68 (Winter 2014)
[PDF file]: […] British American Project and other welldocumented Atlanticist networks. Jones refers to personnel at Policy Exchange, but not its current director, Dean Godson, a former member of the Reagan administration, whose brother and father have also been key figures in US-UK relations. He also steers clear of the pro-Israel lobby which, to this reviewer, is […]
Lobster Issue 62 (Winter 2011)
[PDF file]: […] to the Internet an essay entitled “What Do the Imperial Mafia Really Want” concerning the expected war. Included in this were the words of Michael Ledeen, former Reagan official, then at the American Enterprise Institute, which was one of the leading drum-beaters for attacking Iraq: “If we just let our own vision of the […]
Lobster Issue 68 (Winter 2014)
[PDF file]: […] can only hope that the reign of terror in and by the US that expanded vastly with the election of Margaret Thatcher in the UK and Ronald Reagan will finally reach the consciousness of the white ‘Left’ and those whose sentimental attachment to the American creation myth is sincere enough to rebel against the […]
Lobster Issue 67 (Summer 2014)
[PDF file]: […] cited (which also made mention of the formation of the British American Project, in which three members of IEDSS were key players) made clear that the first Reagan administration was seriously afraid that Thatcher, and even Kohl, might not be re-elected. The draft constitution of the new SDP was written in Massachusetts by two […]