Lobster Issue 83 (Summer 2022)
[PDF file]: […] were ‘a two-man obstacle to just about everything President Trump wanted to get done. They were perfect representations of the establishment rot that had taken over the Pentagon’. They were ‘rogue actors who tried to destroy the Trump agenda’, mounting ‘many covert attempts’ and launching ‘a negative PR campaign against President Trump’. And General […]
Lobster Issue 67 (Summer 2014)
[PDF file]: […] regime in perception management and propaganda. This is downplayed by Harvey, as is the avowedly revolutionary transformation in US strategy brought in by Donald Rumsfeld to the Pentagon. The centrepiece here was a declaratory policy of, if needs be, preemptive war.5 Harvey himself, and many other observers, agree that a likely Gore administration approach […]
Lobster Issue 78 (Winter 2019)
[PDF file]: […] ‘Roswell, the CIA and Dr Edgar Mitchell’ in Lobster 77.1 As a US presidential candidate in 1976, James Earl (Jimmy) Carter Jr. attended a meeting at the Pentagon in Washington D.C., the aim of which was to seek official disclosure of the truth about the 1947 ‘Roswell Incident’. The other participants in the meeting […]
Lobster Issue 81 (Summer 2021)
[PDF file]: […] Alliance and Daszak declined to comment for this story.’51 This article did not refer to the report that EcoHealth Alliance had received nearly $40 million from the Pentagon which it had tried to ‘bury’ in its accounts.52 Charles Schmidt, ‘Lab Leak: A Scientific Debate Mired in Politics — and Unresolved’ at . 51 or […]