House of War: The Pentagon and the Disastrous Rise of American Power

Book cover
Lobster Issue 52 (Winter 2006/7) £££

[…] The author’s father was General Carroll, head of the Defence Intelligence Agency in the 1960s, and as a child the author played in the corridors of the Pentagon, turning against American power and militarism during the Vietnam War. A major theme is a history of the generation and management of ‘threats’ to America to […]

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Remote Viewing and the US intelligence community

Lobster Issue 31 (June 1996) £££

Introduction: While my piece on CIA and DoD psychic research was awaiting publication in Lobster 30, the CIA went public on its interest in so-called Remote Viewing (RV).(1) As a result much new information has been obtained. This piece should be read in conjunction with the piece in Lobster 30. At the time of the […]

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The two Indonesias and the two Americas

Lobster Issue 35 (Summer 1998) £££

[…] conflicting goals of these two American traditions have led to recurring showdowns in Congress. In March 1998 Congress learned that, despite its express prohibition in 1992, the Pentagon had continued to supply training to the Indonesian army unit, Kopassus, that has been most involved in massacres and torture over the last 35 years. On […]

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The Pentagon’s Psychic Research

Lobster Issue 30 (December 1995) £££

[…] Warfare Center at Fort Detrick, Maryland. In 1952, he presented a paper, ‘An Evaluation of the Possible Uses of Extrasensory Perception in Psychological Warfare’, to a secret Pentagon gathering. In 1953, he lectured the US Air Force researchers on methods of increasing or decreasing telepathy, and the US Army Chemical Center on ‘Biological Foundations […]

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Spooks – U.S.

Lobster Issue 1 (1983) £££

12. Spooks – U.S. After the disastrous Iranian hostage operations, the Pentagon created a new intelligence/covert ops unit called Army Intelligence Support Activity (ISA), also known, apparently, as “the activity”.  Augmenting both the CIA and the Pentagon’s own DIA, ISA existed for at least a year without Presidential/Congressional knowledge or approval. The unit is […]

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The Clash of the Icons

Lobster Issue 40 (Winter 2000/1) £££

[…] have achieved the status of icons within the subculture of what passes for the New Left. Icon Ellsberg became a celebrity in 1971 after he leaked The Pentagon Papers, an ‘act of conscience’ that helped turn public opinion against the Vietnam War. This ‘act of conscience’ also, albeit accidentally, contributed to the demise of […]

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Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££

[…] the most prominent whistle-blowers has been retired American Lt.-Colonel Karen Kwiatkowsky, whose views on the role of the Pentagon’s Office of Special Plans, a unit within the Pentagon created to find or manufacture intelligence which would provide the pretext for invasion, were quoted in Lobster 47. Kwiatkowski was the subject of an assault by […]

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Letter from America. Rand Corporation. Kennedys. Pentagon. Oklahoma. Garrisonia

Lobster Issue 31 (June 1996) £££

[…] and European techies may opt for the rival Russian Glonass system. Unfortunately, the Glonass is already the system of choice for true global positioning buffs, since the Pentagon degrades the information it provides non-military users. The non-degraded Russian system allows for accuracy of better than 10 meters to all commercial users. And it probably […]

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Letter from America: CIA set for Pentagon buyout?

Lobster Issue 30 (December 1995) £££

CIA set for Pentagon buyout? Lester Coleman, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) man who co-authored Trail of the Octopus (about CIA drug-channel involvement in the Lockerbie bombing) writes in the latest Unclassified (quarterly publication of the Association of Former National Security Alumni, no. 34, Fall 1995), that the CIA feels itself threatened by a […]

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Robert Kennedy and the Middle East connection

Lobster Issue 51 (Summer 2006) £££

[…] by classified documentation – from a by now increasingly disillusioned Robert McNamara.() From October 1967 he had also recruited Daniel Ellsberg as his ‘man on Vietnam’.()Ellsberg, a Pentagon high-flyer seconded to the RAND corporation, was at this time compiling (and selectively leaking) the Pentagon Papers and was anxious to pass on as much as […]

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