The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue 90 (2025) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] and partly unintelligible. The readable piece is at . 13 work in some detail and even named its then director, Ralph Canine.42 As the existence of the NSA was not publicly acknowledged until the 1970s, this came from an intelligence source, presumably the KGB. The third is the fact that Joesten’s writing about the […]

View from the bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] German, titled CIA, described the National Security Agency ( NSA)’s work in some detail and even named its then director, Ralph Canine.33 As the existence of the NSA was not publicly acknowledged until the 1970s, this came from an intelligence source, presumably the KGB. The third is the fact that Joesten’s writing about the […]

View from the bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] German, titled CIA, described the National Security Agency ( NSA)’s work in some detail and even named its then director, Ralph Canine.33 As the existence of the NSA was not revealed until the 1970s, this came from an intelligence source, presumably the KGB. The third is the fact that Joesten’s writing about the assassination […]

View from the bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] German, titled CIA, described the National Security Agency ( NSA)’s work in some detail and even named its then director, Ralph Canine.19 As the existence of the NSA was not revealed until the 1970s, this came from an intelligence source, presumably the KGB. The third is the fact that Joesten’s writing about the assassination […]

view from bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] German, titled CIA, described the National Security Agency ( NSA)’s work in some detail and even named its then director, Ralph Canine.19 As the existence of the NSA was not revealed until the 1970s, this came from an intelligence source, presumably the KGB. The third is the fact that Joesten’s writing about the assassination […]

View from Bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] German, titled CIA, described the National Security Agency ( NSA)’s work in some detail and even named its then director, Ralph Canine.19 As the existence of the NSA was not revealed until the 1970s, this came from an intelligence source, presumably the KGB. The third is the fact that Joesten’s writing about the assassination […]

The View from the Bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] justify a U.S. invasion of Cuba. . . .’ These are the Operation Northwoods documents which were included in James Bamford’s book Body of Secrets on the NSA a couple of years later and have become a staple of the parapolitical canon. Curious that such a startling revelation had to wait until 9/11 to […]

The View from the Bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] recently there was no (public) evidence showing Russian, let alone Russian state involvement.125 The closest we have got to evidence is a piece at The Intercept, ‘Top-secret NSA report details Russian hacking effort days before 2016 election’ and a report in the Washington Post recounting the Obama administration’s response to receiving a CIA report […]

The View from the Bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] they dragged their feet during the talks until after the election. Which they duly did. Chennault’s role became known in the Johnson White House – presumably the NSA or CIA had the conference wired for sound – but Johnson did nothing, said nothing.27 And these events are still being suppressed on the Democratic side […]

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