Lobster Issue 3 (1984) £££
[…] Lie Detector Story In the wake of the Prime case, US intelligence has made polygraph (lie detector) introduction into GCHQ at Cheltenham a condition of future GCHQ- NSA cooperation. “At a meeting in July with Civil Service union leaders, Sir Robert Armstrong, the Cabinet Secretary, made it clear that Senior Whitehall officials were reluctant […]
Lobster Issue 36 (Winter 1998/9) £££
[…] environment, cybersecurity GAO and Congressional reports, eg Information Security: Computer Attacks at DoD Pose Increasing Risks (GAO/AIMD-96-84)). Web Resources: huge resource of weblinks, relating to the CIA, NSA and other agencies (www.fas.org/irp/guide/index.html) Weblinks include to: Open Source Solutions (www.oss.net), a large resource on intelligence, including newsletter OSS Notices. Intelligence Online (www.indigo-net.com/intel.html). The electronic edition […]
Lobster Issue 32 (December 1996) £££
[…] documents acquired through the Freedom of Information Act. First menu includes: The Archive. An overview of the archive (over 90,000 records of released documents). Archive publications. Includes NSA index on CD Rom, Nicaragua 1978-90, South Africa 1962-89, US Intelligence Community 1947-89, Military Uses of Space 1945-91, Nuclear non-proliferation 1945-90, Iran-contra, Presidential directives on national […]
Lobster Issue 32 (December 1996) £££
[…] detail, New Zealand’s contribution to the NSA-run global network of communications interception. But his work goes much further than that and anyone interested in GCHQ or the NSA, the history of signals intelligence since WW2, the relationship between politicians and spooks, the anti-nuclear campaign in New Zealand, or, indeed, the geo-politics of that part […]
Lobster Issue 3 (1984) £££
[…] deserves investigation. The book is a good read with Rashke doing little more than relating other peoples’ material, which is a shame because once it gets into NSA and CIA involvement with local police forces it becomes fascinating, and provides the real reason for the cover-up. (It discloses that MI6 use Andros Island in […]
Lobster Issue 35 (Summer 1998) £££
[…] making private messages via the global communications network (Internet) accessible to US intelligence agencies.’ The report also urges a fundamental review of the involvement of the American NSA (National Security Agency) in Europe, suggesting that their activities be either scaled down, or become more open and accountable. Such concerns have been privately expressed by […]
Lobster Issue 54 (Winter 2007/8) £££
[…] access to NSA/CIA intelligence files.’ This should hardly be a surprise (Herve Stephan was similarly rebuffed in February 1999) but what is left unexplained is why the NSA was monitoring her at all. In February 2000 former NSA employee Wayne Madsen stated that ‘undisclosed material held in US government files on Princess Diana was […]
Lobster Issue 51 (Summer 2006) £££
[…] (We have GCHQ at Cheltenham and Menwith Hill.) The report shows that GCSB was intercepting, tasked mostly by the US, and doing translation/decoding work for GCHQ and NSA – intercept outsourcing, as it were.(2) Murray Horton, of the New Zealand Anti-Bases Campaign, commented that the report ‘….listed just who it was that the Bureau […]
Lobster Issue 30 (December 1995) £££
[…] public and Congress. The triggering mechanism for the Pentagon’s ‘black projects’ in this field, funded through the Central Intelligence Agency, with the help and association of DIA, NSA, as well as a number of governmental and non-governmental research laboratories, has been the substantial progress made in these fields by the former Soviet Union, and […]
Lobster Issue 29 (1995) £££
[…] as encryption, to mitigate the threat of economic espionage; 2) the development of cryptographic standards for the protection of sensitive unclassified information, and the policies of the NSA, DoD, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and Dept of Commerce regarding the selection of federal cryptographic standards; 3) the roles and policies of the […]