Lobster Issue 33 (Summer 1997) £££
[…] officials of the Atlantic Council, which has the astonishing ‘charitable purpose’ of building support for NATO. It incorporates Peace Through NATO, the group central to Michael Heseltine’s MoD campaign against CND in the early 1980s. It receives over £100,000 a year from the Foreign Office, as well as payments from the Dulverton Trust.(18) TUCETU […]
Lobster Issue 51 (Summer 2006) £££
[…] who had declined to sign The Beatles. But even if they had pursued the Wilson steer towards Wallace, in 1976/7 finding him would have been difficult: the MOD has parked him in Preston. Had they found him, Wallace says today: ‘…if I had been made aware that the former PM had asked Penrose and […]
Lobster Issue 28 (December 1994) £££
[…] the Thatcher government to push through a highly ambitious nuclear power programme which set the context for this murder. We know from Cathy Massiter (17) that the MoD and Home Office were using MI5 to monitor anti-nuclear war protesters, and from Gareth Parry (18) that an American company, thought to be pressurised water reactor […]
Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££
[…] which came in after 1997 which I had not seen before and intelligence got swept up in that.’ During the bombing of Yugoslavia the pressure from the MOD press office to come up with good news was intense. Morrison said: ‘What I did, in effect, was within my crisis staff, set up in effect […]
Lobster Issue 46 (Winter 2003) £££
[…] MI5’s analysis of the “45 minute report” and highlights the original circulation of the document to various departments. The usual suspects are there: SIS, MI5, GCHQ and MOD get between 7 copies for MI5 and 20 copies for MI6. But also listed are 32 (yes 32) copies for the DTI. Why? I wonder. Some […]
Lobster Issue 45 (Summer 2003) £££
[…] Unit (PIU) and Forward Strategy Unit.(5) The PIU reviewed the UK’s energy policy at a 4 July 2001 seminar: Mulgan introduces, hands over to Chair, Kevin Tebbit (MOD). Then there are presentations by Sian Davies (the Henley Centre, which has several Demos members), Bob Tyrrell (Demos) and Ged Davis (Shell, a Demos funder) and […]
Lobster Issue 23 (1992) £££
[…] a 1991-formed company whose sole shareholders are a Dr Andrew Clifford and his wife. Dr Clifford is an engineer and metallurgist and his principal employer is the MOD. In issue 286, February 1992, George Wingfield, author of the research in the paragraph above, adds: he cannot connect ‘MBF Consultancy’ with ‘MBF Services’; that the […]
Lobster Issue 45 (Summer 2003) £££
[…] years in the Ministry of Defence when Robertson became New Labour Defence Secretary in 1997, she is now its director of general security and safety. Her former MoD colleague, Jonathan Day, moved with Robertson to NATO HQ in Brussels to become director of his private office. He was signed up to the BAP in […]
Lobster Issue 43 (Summer 2002) £££
[…] British-Irish Rights Watch, (23) partly over allegations that phone calls between Britain and Ireland, including legally privileged material confidential to the complainants, were routinely intercepted by an MoD installation at Capenhurst, Cheshire, and later by the Echelon system. The rights groups say that the RIP act fails to provide adequate safeguards to protect individual […]
Lobster Issue 22 (1991) £££
[…] 24 January 1989). Sir Christopher Chancellor: “Mr Reuter’, died 9 September 1989. (Independent 11 September 1989) Major-General Dick Lloyd: secretary of the Defence Intelligence Staff in the MOD and then deputy head of the Arms Control and Disarmament Unit. (Daily Telegraph 19 April 1991) George Bolsover: known as “Mr Russia’, died 15 April 1990. […]