Spooks UK

Lobster Issue 5 (1984) £££

[…] us…. Tatler (June 1984) Robert Harris reports on the spy recruitment procedures. There was some talk of prosecutions under the Official Secrets Act for naming MI5 and MI6 premises. They are: MI5 recruitment (positive vetting) – 140 Gower St., London WC1 and 14-17 Great Marlborough St., London WC1 MI6 recruitment – 3 Carlton Gardens, […]

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Historical Notes: Channel 4 SOE mystery. Venona Decrypts

Lobster Issue 39 (Summer 2000) £££

[…] acquitted and died in 1962 as a result of an air accident in South-East Asia. Faulks, in reporting this tale, suggested that Bodington may have been an MI6 agent before the war (he had been a journalist) and that the connection between him and Dericourt involved more than friendship. Curiously, Faulks left it there. […]

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Outlawing the Naming of Agents

Lobster Issue 5 (1984) £££

[…] it would become illegal to claim that any individual is an officer or agent of either the Security Service (MI5) or of the Secret Intelligence Service ( MI6). It was also made known that the publication of British Intelligence and Covert Action last year was considered provocative in this respect. The book contains an […]

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Lobster Issue 57 (Summer 2009) £££

[…] Kelly’s body and thus ‘helped to bring closure for the family.’(6) Unofficial histories and authorised versions Described by its publisher as ‘the definitive history of MI5 and MI6’, Gordon Thomas’s Inside British intelligence: 100 years of MI5 and MI6 (London: JR Books), hit the shelves in May, despite the best efforts of the government […]

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MI5: New Threats for Old? Turning up the Heat: MI5 after the Cold War

Lobster Issue 28 (December 1994) £££

[…] turn to cracking crime?’ by David Rose in the Observer, 18 September 1994. Rose concluded; ‘We will need an agency – possibly a subordinate, domestic wing of MI6 – to deal with foreign spies and terrorists. Whether it will take 2000 staff and 160 million is a very different matter.’ See also Rose’s piece, […]

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Web Update

Lobster Issue 36 (Winter 1998/9) £££

[…] dossier on UK Press Freedom, about British Intelligence Service whistleblowers and attempts by Blair’s administration to cover up accusations of British Govt sleaze and incompetence. Includes former MI6 officer Richard Tomlinson’s allegations about MI6, contained in letters to his solicitor, John Wadham of Liberty, describing a 1992 proposal to assassinate President Slobodan Milosevic of […]

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Into the Whitehall maw

Lobster Issue 43 (Summer 2002) £££

[…] policy (NCND). Exemption certificates authorising a blanket ban on access to personal data processed by the organisations were signed on behalf of the three intelligence agencies, MI5, MI6 and GCHQ.(30) Subject access requests made to the agencies have met with a response referring to these certificates, and claiming exemption from the subject access and […]

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Gone but not forgotten

Lobster Issue 19 (1990) £££

[…] him — to have been a regular informant to Washington.’ (4) According to David Leigh’s sources the MI5 officer Arthur Martin told friends before his tranfer to MI6 in November 1964, ‘I did hear that —— was a spy.’ An MI5 officer from K branch confirmed to Leigh that ‘We knew that —— was […]

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The 1953 Coup in Iran: an Iranian insider’s view

Lobster Issue 35 (Summer 1998) £££

[…] with the Shah. In Teheran, Musadegh was also in constant contact with the Americans about any developments. Finally the parties reached an agreement. On a yacht the MI6 station chief told me… Later the MI6 station chief in Iran told me that at the beginning the Shah did not agree to return to Teheran, […]

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The limits of accountability

Lobster Issue 53 (Summer 2007) £££

[…] going on in secret and not so secret prisons. We know thanks to the excellent research done by that elements of the British government, be they MI5, MI6 or diplomats from the FCO, have been involved. Yet we seem unable to stop it. Civic society raises its voices in anger, yet nothing changes. As […]

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