Following in Uncle Sam’s dirty footsteps: chemical and biological warfare testing in the UK

Lobster Issue 36 (Winter 1998/9) £££

[…] reference in Peter Wright’s Spycatcher. He notes that ‘the whole area of chemical research was an active field in the 1950s’, and refers to a joint MI5/ MI6 ‘program to investigate how far the hallucinatory drug lysergic acid diethyalmine (LSD) could be used in interrogation, and extensive trials took place at Porton.'(21) Wright gives […]

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Truth Twisting: notes on disinformation

Lobster Issue 19 (1990) £££

[…] Foreign Affairs Publishing Company of Geoffrey Stewart-Smith. Keston College, the British centre of the study of religion in the Soviet Union, certainly, but not yet provably, an MI6 operation. Soviet suspicion of Keston led to the collapse of a planned visit to Moscow by a British human rights mission in October 1989 when one […]

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Fifth Column: A brief sojourn East of Suez: a last gasp for British great power status

Lobster Issue 54 (Winter 2007/8) £££

[…] into play some awkward facts. The UK’s largest Muslim minority is from Pakistan. Western engagement against Islamism in Western Asia would naturally create conflicts of loyalty. While MI6 might enjoy itself understanding the intricacies of Pathan tribal politics, it was MI5 that was going to have to pick up the pieces. As we move […]

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Parafinance: Enron and drilling for red ink

Lobster Issue 43 (Summer 2002) £££

[…] gradually through the ranks of associates at Stoy. Given this, it is possible that he was merely a conduit for Cold War funds from other sources, either MI6 or, more likely, the CIA. Berlusconi Andersen’s government contacts don’t stop there. With the election of Silvio Berlusconi in 1994, Italy nearly became the first Western […]

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Books forthcoming

Lobster Issue 8 (1985) £££

[…] own man in the White House. It may be interesting to read C. M. Woodhouse’s The Rise and Fall of the Greek Colonels (Granada). Woodhouse worked for MI6 after the war in Greece and Iran, then became a Tory MP. William Keegan’s column in the Observer is the most informative economic view of Britain […]

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Joseph K and the spooky launderette

Lobster Issue 36 (Winter 1998/9) £££

[…] forms of academic ID I had shown him – only about my name. I later learned that Marks had often used various fictitious names and had serious MI6 connections. I had given the man who took us to the club no personal details about myself, not even in the conversation in the Half-Way House. […]

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Your Right To Know: How to use the Freedom of Information Act and other access laws

Book cover
Lobster Issue 49 (Summer 2005) £££

[…] an absolute exemption for information that was supplied directly or indirectly, or relates to the following security bodies: the Security Service (MI5), the Secret Intelligence Service ( MI6), GCHQ, Special Forces …the National Criminal Intelligence Service…a certificate from a minister is all that is needed for the exemption to apply…….The security services in the […]

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Lobster Issue 49 (Summer 2005) £££

[…] between the US and Britain was due in part to misunderstandings about covert action. The US favoured ‘ Nasser…. gradually with the help of the CIA and MI6, while Eden, Lloyd, and Macmillan preferred to proceed more swiftly with the help of the Israeli army and the Royal Navy.’ Douglas Little, ‘Mission impossible: the […]

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The Malcolm Kennedy Case – Update

Lobster Issue 41 (Summer 2001) £££

[…] ban on access to personal files have been signed by Jack Straw, Home Secretary, and Robin Cook, Foreign Secretary, on behalf of the three intelligence agencies, MI5, MI6 and GCHQ, ‘for the purpose of safeguarding national security’. The validity of such a certificate can be challenged, and all three are being challenged; any person […]

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The View from the Bridge. Psy-ops. Common Cause. Larry Flynt. Hepple/Matthews. John Ware

Lobster Issue 35 (Summer 1998) £££

[…] times annually by two British eccentrics with a limited distribution to “about 50 like-minded friends.” N.B. It is anti-intelligence, specifically against the Western intelligence services, particularly MI5, MI6 and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The subject matter is apparently varied, eclectic, and highly interesting and informative for intelligence professionals and buffs.’ While good reviews […]

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