Lobster Issue 22 (1991) £££
[…] a handful of socialists featured here. Some, like Stokes, were more Right wing than Conservatives like Anthony Eden and Harold Macmillan. Others, like Maxton and the Independent Labour Party group, operated from a conviction that war was a product of imperialism, which in itself was the highest stage of capitalism. It was therefore the […]
Lobster Issue 27 (1994) £££
[…] used to lecture the banks on their national responsibility, urging them to invest directly in industry like German banks….'(3) Secondly, barely noticed by the media or the Labour Opposition — and, if his biographers are anything to go by, barely noticed by Heath himself — with the Competition and Credit Control Act (CCC) of […]
Lobster Issue 41 (Summer 2001) £££
In 1998, I left the New Labour Party, more out of exhaustion than anything else. For two or three years, I had been at the forefront of the drive to modernise the Party through promoting internal party democracy, first as Deputy Chair and Founding Member of Labour Reform, and then as Coordinator of the […]
Lobster Issue 43 (Summer 2002) £££
[…] New Labourites. On the same day that H’Angus was elected in Hartlepool, Islington South – the constituency as near as anywhere to the spiritual home of New Labour – lost its last few Labour councillors. Sacked New Labour Cabinet minister Chris Smith now finds himself without a single Labour councillor in his constituency and […]
Lobster Issue 45 (Summer 2003) £££
[…] three BAP veterans, though less publicly so, was another early member of the BAP, Gloria Craig. Twenty-six years in the Ministry of Defence when Robertson became New Labour Defence Secretary in 1997, she is now its director of general security and safety. Her former MoD colleague, Jonathan Day, moved with Robertson to NATO HQ […]
Lobster Issue 28 (December 1994) £££
[…] these have been (or are imagined to have been) under threat from the Left. Notable examples are the anti-Bolshevik panics of the 1920s, the attempted destabilisation of Labour governments in the 1960s and 1970s, and the surveillance of trade unionists (notably the striking miners) in the 1980s. This is an important historiographic breakthrough which […]
Lobster Issue 44 (Winter 2002/3) £££
[…] 43, more news on the gentle art of perfuming a skunk. First Pick Your Voters Some strong contenders here. But first out of the hat is the Labour Party for performance during the all-postal voting experiments that were tried across the country in the May local council elections. All-postal may have increased turnout to […]
Lobster Issue 53 (Summer 2007) £££
[…] police state. The evidence for true tyranny in either country is weak. However, since it came to power in 1997, it might be reasonably argued(1) that New Labour has brought the United Kingdom one third of the way towards a ‘tyranny’ if we look closely at what the Blair Government has actually done since […]
Lobster Issue 55 (Summer 2008) £££
[…] of The Independent. His wife, Jackie Ashley, a Guardian columnist, was previously a political journalist for the New Statesman and ITN News. Ashley, the daughter of former Labour MP Jack (now Lord) Ashley, grew up close to the powerful in the party and the careers of both have prospered mightily under New Labour. When […]
Lobster Issue 55 (Summer 2008) £££
[…] there are always those who see an inevitability that may never have been there in the first place. So it is with the current problems of New Labour, the shift of economic power to the East, the global credit crisis and a food crisis that might turn tin-pot tribal insurgencies into the real thing […]