Lobster Issue 82 (Winter 2021)
[PDF file]: […] were not discouraged by the Kennedys as they wanted LBJ off the ticket for the 1964 election. This simmering scandal threatened to end LBJ’s political career, but JFK was killed. When he was eventually prosecuted, Baker kept his mouth shut and LBJ just managed to keep the lid on things The Nixon regime which […]
Lobster Issue 72 (Winter 2016)
[PDF file]: The writer with no hands Matthew Alford www.amazon.co.uk/Writer-No-Hands-MatthewAlford/dp/1530122651 Alford completed a PhD, which became the book Reel Power: Hollywood Cinema and American Supremacy (London: Pluto, 2010). His central thesis of that is that large budget, mainstream American movies, ‘….almost always express the notion that in its foreign policy, the endless wars in which it engages, […]