The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] US allies in the region)? They are the last people anyone from the US government would seek to implicate. If you wanted a pretext to attack Iraq, Iran, Libya or Syria, the false flag would be accompanied by links to one (or several) of those countries, not Saudi Arabia.25 This scenario is absurd. As, […]

Miscellaneous reviews

Lobster Issue 64 (Winter 2012) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: Robin Ramsay These reviews of mine were written for other publications, notably the Fortean Times. Who killed Dag Hammarskjold? The UN, the Cold War and white supremacy in Africa Susan Williams London: Hurst and Company, 2011; 300 pages, h/b, £20.00 After travelling thousands of miles, visiting many libraries and archives, interviewing the surviving eyewitnesses and […]

AngloArabia: Why Gulf Wealth Matters to Britain by David Wearing

Lobster Issue 78 (Winter 2019) FREE

[PDF file]: […] a willingness to continue providing them with the means to secure their position against radical challenge, whether that comes from within or from external powers such as Iran. Britain’s commitment has been driven by concern to guarantee a steady and predictable flow of oil to the West at prices which may vary but which […]

Misc reviews

Lobster Issue

Misc reviews These reviews of mine were written for other publications. Robin Ramsay Who killed Dag Hammarskjold? The UN, the Cold War and white supremacy in Africa Susan Williams London: Hurst and Company, 2011, £20.00, h/b. After travelling thousands of miles, visiting many libraries and archives, interviewing the surviving eyewitnesses and reexamining the previous inquiries, […]

Sir John Sawer’s speech and some aspects of SIS PR

Lobster Issue 60 (Winter 2010) FREE

[PDF file]: […] the cumulative picture of SIS is truly well-informed. His comments about ‘our support for forces of moderation around the world’, followed by almost in the same 17 Iran has accused Britain of not only carrying out ‘secret espionage activities in the country but also funding and supporting certain terrorist groups. . .’ The Times, […]

SUCCESS: The CIA in Guatemala, 1954

Lobster Issue 60 (Winter 2010) FREE

[PDF file]: Contents Lobster 60 SUCCESS The CIA in Guatemala, 1954 James Lusher On 18 June 1954, following the positive outcome in Iran a year previously, backed by the President, Congress and the State Department, the CIA launched their next interventionist operation. It entailed replacing the Guatemalan left-wing, reformist leader Jacobo Arbenz Guzman – seen by […]

DEADLY BETRAYAL: The Truth About Why the United States Invaded Iraq by Dennis Fritz

Lobster Issue 89 (2024) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] to overcome the outrage of the international community. Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz had the answer: go after the so-called state sponsors of terrorism, namely Iraq, Syria, and Iran. A cabal headed by Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Doug Feith, and Gingrich formulated a strategy to crush Hamas’s and Hezbollah’s military and financial support networks in […]

Sex scandals and sexual blackmail in America’s deep politics

Lobster Issue 73 (Summer 2017) FREE

[PDF file]: Sex scandals and sexual blackmail in America’s deep politics Jonathan Marshall Note: In my ‘Blackmail and the Deep State’, also in this issue of Lobster, I discussed the importance of political blackmail as a force in America’s deep politics from the late 1950s to Watergate. This article, which also addresses Watergate, focuses on the politics […]

The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government by David Talbot

Lobster Issue 72 (Winter 2016) FREE

[PDF file]: The Devil’s Chessboard Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government David Talbot William Collins, London, 2015 HB, 686pp., illus., index, bib., refs., £25.00 This truly excellent biography is at least partly a biography of two men, Allen Dulles and his older brother John Foster. I write ‘at least partly’ because the […]

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