Wallace: Information Policy in fiction

Lobster Issue 17 (1988) £££

[…] Pascal was grateful for the cynical freemasonry of veteran Belfast reporters, which had omitted to inform his London colleague that McDowell’s imagination had already reinforced the Provisional IRA with cadres of Vietcong, Czechoslovakians, Lithuanians and Communist Frenchmen.’ Dowling understood, had correctly ‘read’ some of the Information Policy operations. Other ‘Irish hands’ certainly knew of […]

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Five at Eye

Lobster Issue 17 (1988) £££

[…] machine in the summer of 1966. And it was the KGB’s best buy for years. Cubans in London and Paris have helped run arms shipments to the IRA – and supplied passports to Palestinian guerrilla factions. Its seventeen diplomats are under constant surveillance. It wasn’t only in the Eye that dubious material appeared in […]

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The Pentagon’s Psychic Research

Lobster Issue 30 (December 1995) £££

[…] penetration of a residence that was used by Noriega as a meeting site’. Another SECRET/NOFORN letter from US Army Intelligence and Security Command, signed by Brigadier General Ira C. Owens, Deputy Commander, dated February 29, 1996, describes the project: ‘In 1983 this Headquarters initiated a project named LANDBROKER. The project appears to have been […]

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Terrorism, Anti-Semitism and Dissent

Book cover
Lobster Issue 47 (Summer 2004) £££

[…] he had been much involved in the Ulster troubles as Northern Ireland Secretary. Then as Home Secretary, and responsibility for MI5, he had to deal with the IRA mainland bombing campaign. Two, he had a long record of seeking to bring Nazi war criminals to justice and was highly regarded in the Jewish community […]

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The View From The Bridge

Lobster Issue 29 (1995) £££

[…] of being a conspiracy theorist. They then take him to task for not taking at face value the role of Red Action members in support of the IRA. ‘From O’Hara’s standpoint it is preferable to invent a mythical third party to which the shooting can be attributed, rather than wrestle with the uncomfortable reality […]

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The Angry Brigade: A history of Britain’s first urban guerilla group

Lobster Issue 46 (Winter 2003) £££

[…] to make the case seem stronger. Barker tells us he was a guilty man framed. Did the AB have any effect? Not really: the arrival of the IRA with real bombs, not spectaculars, shunted the AB off into a historical siding. Barker and Christie do their best to find something of value in their […]

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Conspiracy: Plots, Lies and Cover-ups

Book cover
Lobster Issue 46 (Winter 2003) £££

[…] get political control over the propaganda apparatus, which was then being directed as much at Northern Ireland Secretary of State Merlyn Rees as it was against the IRA. Bennett makes it sound as though Cudlipp was in charge of black propaganda. Bennett then tells us: ‘The British establishment obviously decided, according to conspiracy theorists […]

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Lobster Issue 46 (Winter 2003) £££

[…] him was his second wife, Dame Ruth Railton, described by Edwards as ‘…jealous, merciless, fiercely manipulative and an inveterate liar and fantasist.’ A subsequent fantasy of the duo was a joint belief that they could solve the problems besetting Northern Ireland, at one point simultaneously courting Ian Paisley and IRA Army Council member David O’Connell.

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Clockwork Orange 2 Jottings

Lobster Issue 14 (1987) £££

Clockwork Orange 2 Jottings Here is another, previously unpublished section from Wallace’s 1974 jottings for the aborted operation ‘Clockwork Orange 2’. Can Politicians Be Trusted? N. St. Stevas: homosexual – boyfriend of Elton John’s manager – cocaine user at parties Homosexual relationships – Heath, Van Straubenzee, St. John Stevas, Thorpe Child prostitution: William McGrath, Van […]

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The Trouble With Harry: A memoire of Harry Newton, MI5 agent

Lobster Issue 28 (December 1994) £££

[…] of workers’ control in the United Kingdom.’ It also pointed out, that ‘On Ireland the Party supports the official Sinn Fein (the Communist dominated wing of the IRA) and the Peoples’ Democracy, through which Bernadatte Devlin came to prominence, as organisations whose objectives are the establishment of a Socialist Workers’ Republic.’ All this was […]

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