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Lobster Issue 44 (Winter 2002/3) £££

[…] Embassy in London in 1994 (information that would have helped the defence of the two convicted for this, see below); and that MI5 could have prevented the IRA bombing in Bishopsgate in 1993. He was found guilty and sentenced to 6 months imprisonment. For large archive of articles on Shayler see www.guardian. co.uk/shayler; see […]

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Terrorism: how the West can win

Lobster Issue 13 (1987) £££

[…] innocent to inspire fear for political ends.” Which just about covers the whole of American foreign policy since the late 19th century, but only just includes the IRA, for example. (To his credit, the editor does not mention the IRA in his essay.) Yet elsewhere Paul Johnson does include the IRA (and, incidentally, offers […]

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The rise of warfare capitalism

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Lobster Issue 54 (Winter 2007/8) £££

[…] a student union bureaucrat in a right-wing Communist Party. I know most of these Irish writers. With principle and integrity, all have at some time rightly denounced IRA terrorism and the use of Republican rhetoric by the gangster capitalists of Fianna Fail. In particular, they have shown how the relentless reference to a ‘United […]

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We’re breaking new ground: Operation Century

Lobster Issue 39 (Summer 2000) £££

[…] A levels in fucking whacking fucking people…. Your fucking ceasefire’s going….I’ll be in touch with you fucking soon….You watch your fucking car. On 9 February 1996 the IRA ended its cease fire by bombing Canary Wharf. In the warning period minutes before the explosion, Mickey Steele’s Essex phone rang. It was RUC Special Branch […]

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The Committee

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Lobster Issue 36 (Winter 1998/9) £££

[…] cohesive, province-wide, secret organisation, the Ulster Central Coordinating Committee. This worked with an ‘Inner Force’ which had formed inside the RUC. The Inner Force supplied intelligence on IRA members and sympathisers to ‘the Committee’, who directed assassins to chosen targets with protection provided by the ‘Inner Force’. This book is about that documentary, its […]

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The view from the bridge. Hidden Agendas. Jack Hill. Ghandi. Sinn Fein. Oswald

Lobster Issue 36 (Winter 1998/9) £££

[…] the defector denies the story. IRD is dead! Long live IRD! Liam Clarke and Barry Penrose (see review of The Committee, below) co-authored the story ‘Syria paid IRA to kill Mountbatten’ in the Sunday Times 17 May 1998, in which they reported that they had been told by former IRA member Sean O’Callaghan that […]

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Operation Julie revisited: the strange career of Ron Stark, parapolitical alchemist

Lobster Issue 32 (December 1996) £££

[…] Tory Prime Minister, recruited Howard Marks, his old chum from Balliol College, Oxford, to spy on Jim McCann, a hash smuggler whom MI6 believed was a Provisional IRA contact in Amsterdam. Macmillan gave no indication that he knew Marks was already doing business with McCann, or that he knew Marks’ name and address had […]

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The Nemesis File: the true story of an SAS execution squad

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Lobster Issue 31 (June 1996) £££

[…] Blake Publishing, London 1995, £15.99 The pseudonymous author claims to have been a member of a clandestine 4-man SAS squad which assassinated a couple of dozen alleged IRA members in the 1971-3 period in Northern Ireland. The author’s taped and transcribed memories are intercut with sections from an uncredited ghost writer – apparently Nick […]

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A Very British Jihad

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Lobster Issue 47 (Summer 2004) £££

[…] without destroying the Provos. Larkin believes that a decision was made by the British state in the mid-1980s to train, arm and direct loyalist para-militaries against the IRA. The one piece missing from his analysis is evidence of the political dimension. Did the Conservative government approve of this? Did they know of this? Larkin […]

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Inside the UDA

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Lobster Issue 47 (Summer 2004) £££

[…] perception is that of a community that has systematically lost out, while Republicans hijack the Good Friday Agreement to their own ends. Nor, in contrast to the IRA, have Loyalists duped a section of the left into seeing them as freedom fighters. Historically, even bourgeois and mainstream unionists have been quite inept at handling […]

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