The Enemy Within (Whitehall)

Lobster Issue 27 (1994) £££

[…] media the large, nicely packaged, photogenic collection of guns and explosives found on board a Polish ship in Cleveland. And these were arms not bound for the IRA, but for the Protestant, Ulster Defence Association. And it had all apparently been nipped in the bud by co-operation between MI5, MI6 and the Polish intelligence […]

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Two Sides of Ireland (Book reviews)

Lobster Issue 13 (1987) £££

[…] to visit a veteran Sinn Fein member in Castleblaney, Co. Monaghan, 8 miles south of Armagh. The English-born man they met had been closely associated with the IRA in Monaghan/Armagh for years, and also maintained contact with local INLA members like Grew and Carroll. But unknown to the two INLA men, the Castleblaney man […]

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Blood revenge: the aftermath of the assassination of Airey Neave

Lobster Issue 8 (1985) £££

[…] the political organisation, the Irish Republican Socialist Party which was allied to it. The IRSP had been established by a break away militant faction of the Official IRA, led by legendary Republican figure, Sean Costello, following the Official IRA’s ceasefire in 1974. INLA itself appears to have formed – initially as the Peoples’ Liberation […]

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Big Boys Rules

Book cover
Lobster Issue 24 (December 1992) £££

[…] admitted but not that. But since the Ulster Defence Association have spent the last couple of years fly-posting Belfast with photocopied police and intelligence files on the IRA, and we have learned that the UDA’s ‘intelligence officer’ in the 1980s, Brian Nelson, was an Army Intelligence agent, this is a pretty stupid line to […]

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Northern Ireland &; CIA, Nairac & Phone-tapping

Lobster Issue 4 (1984) £££

[…] and later had seven visits from a ‘Stuart Delroy’ who said he was born in Zambia and worked for the Institute. Na irac Linked to Killing of IRA Members in Republic? Security forces in Ulster are investigating claims (or looking the other way) that Capt. Robert Nairac was involved in the killing of IRA […]

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The Dirty War, and, The SAS in Ireland (Book reviews)

Lobster Issue 21 (1991) £££

[…] in Lobsters 13 and 15) and continues through the history of the Northern Irish conflict up until January 1990. It also covers the international connections of the IRA, in particular their links to Qadhafi, but excludes the Gibralter killings. Dillon sets the tone for his book in the Preface: ‘In the late 1960s and […]

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Lobster Issue 47 (Summer 2004) £££

[…] helped the Davis Campaign to capture the tabloid front page lead (2)despite such august opposition as the previous evening’s bombing of the Caterham Arms pub by the IRA. The assertion of Lobster and others that the IRA’s ‘big bombs’ inevitably and rightly pushed everything else into an abyss doesn’t always configure. It occurs to […]

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Killing Thatcher: The IRA, the Manhunt and the Long War on the Crown

Lobster Issue 87 (2023) FREE
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[PDF file]: Killing Thatcher The IRA, the Manhunt and the Long War on the Crown Rory Carroll London: Mudlark (HarperNonFiction), 2023, £20, h/b Simon Matthews It’s nearly 40 years since the IRA tried to kill Margaret Thatcher. Written by Rory Carroll, Ireland correspondent for The Guardian, this book seeks to establish what actually happened. In doing […]

The rise of warfare capitalism

Book cover
Lobster Issue 54 (Winter 2007/8) £££

[…] a student union bureaucrat in a right-wing Communist Party. I know most of these Irish writers. With principle and integrity, all have at some time rightly denounced IRA terrorism and the use of Republican rhetoric by the gangster capitalists of Fianna Fail. In particular, they have shown how the relentless reference to a ‘United […]

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We’re breaking new ground: Operation Century

Lobster Issue 39 (Summer 2000) £££

[…] A levels in fucking whacking fucking people…. Your fucking ceasefire’s going….I’ll be in touch with you fucking soon….You watch your fucking car. On 9 February 1996 the IRA ended its cease fire by bombing Canary Wharf. In the warning period minutes before the explosion, Mickey Steele’s Essex phone rang. It was RUC Special Branch […]

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