Lobster Issue 22 (1991) £££
[…] Persia where he organised the escape of White Russians across the border. He also helped to organise espionage, including the robbing of the safe in the Russian Embassy. In the Gurkhas during the Second World War. In 1950 came out of retirement to act as Deputy Director of Operations against Coptic and Muslim guerrillas […]
Lobster Issue 9 (1985) £££
[…] in ’84. (Guardian 6 May 1985) Plan for SB to absorb anti-terror branch. (Daily Telegraph 4 March 1985 and Guardian 5 March) SB liaison with South African Embassy – providing information on anti-apartheid activities. (Leveller April 1985) State use of private intelligence agencies Three firms identified so far: used for intelligence gathering, infiltration and […]
Lobster Issue 42 (Winter 2001/2) £££
[…] Hakluyt’s career hinged on patronage motivated by interest in his geographical research. His biographers, Parks and Taylor, are both convinced that when Hakluyt served in the Paris embassy as Sir Edward Stafford’s secretary he was really there as the client and agent of Walsingham to gather geographical information; that is he was an Elizabethan […]
Lobster Issue 22 (1991) £££
[…] Club: Carlton. (FO, DDI) Holden (Lord) Angur William Eden Holden, b. 1898. Liberal peer. Ex Guards’ Regiment; Hon Attache, H.M. Mission to Holy See, 1918; to H.M. Embassy, Madrid, 1922; to Berlin, 1925. Club: Guards’, Royal Automobile. Advocate of negotiated peace, 1939-40. (FO, PREM, Stokes, Chamberlain, Cockett, De Courcy) Kerr, Lt-Col Charles Iain, M.P. […]
Lobster Issue 52 (Winter 2006/7) £££
[…] of Reuben Falber appeared in the The Independent 31 May 2006. Falber had been the contact between the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) and the Soviet Embassy in London. Falber collected and disbursed the Soviet government’s secret subsidies to the CPGB from 1958 onwards. The obituary included the misleading statement that ‘The fact […]
Lobster Issue 9 (1985) £££
[…] been allegations of torture and killing. According to newspaper reports at the time, this contract had “the discreet approval of the Foreign Office.” Shortly before the Libyan Embassy shooting a British corporation, AMAC, otherwise known for trying to supply riot control vehicles to Chile, was talking to the Libyan Government about training 17 of […]
Lobster Issue 42 (Winter 2001/2) £££
[…] ‘ethnics’ is non-white ones. That is because SIS have always employed the others. For example, SIS diplomat Alexis Forter, who, prior to becoming Counsellor at the British Embassy in Paris was my father’s case officer, was all ‘white ethnic’ – although he preferred the expression ‘White Russian’. He repeated it so often that eventually […]
Lobster Issue 41 (Summer 2001) £££
[…] timid and ignorant, would fall for a proposal as preposterous as that one. MI5 hardly paused for breath after losing the KGB ‘threat’ contained in the Soviet Embassy and its Trade Mission, before acquiring the domestic terrorism franchise from the Met Special Branch and beginning the process of hyping up the animal rights and […]
Lobster Issue 31 (June 1996) £££
At the end of World War II, hundreds of thousands of non-German workers, mostly from the Soviet Union and other Eastern European countries, were stranded in Germany, while many thousands more were fleeing from areas overrun by Soviet forces. Most of these workers were anti-communist, anti-Soviet and anti-Russian; some had voluntarily collaborated with the Nazis, … Read more
Lobster Issue 8 (1985) £££
[…] on Mexico City University in the sixties. US students who played sports or hung out with Russian students were expected to report on their conversations to the Embassy where the CIA would either recruit them or warn them not to fraternise with the commies. The recruits would report on other US students who didn’t […]