Lobster Issue 34 (Winter 1997) £££
[…] Carter had no idea what he was suggesting. Project Pandora The U.S. government woke up to the reality of psychotronics when from 1960 to 1965 the American Embassy in Moscow was targeted by a mixture of electromagnetic and microwaves causing a wide range of physical and mental illness among U.S. personel serving there, including […]
Lobster Issue 42 (Winter 2001/2) £££
[…] (sic) of current repressive efforts targeted against the PKI. ’ That ‘burden’ is a reference to the killing of between 100,000 and 1 million people, though the embassy in Indonesia was uncertain about the numbers. In a message of 15 April 1966 to Washington, the embassy acknowledged: ‘We frankly do not know whether the […]
Lobster Issue 32 (December 1996) £££
[…] one of the standard KGB tactics of the period: send a good-looking man romancing among the political lower orders. The KGB man, under cover at the Soviet embassy, bought her lunch, then he bought her lunch again and asked her to get some documents for him, Labour Party policy documents, the kind that would […]
Lobster Issue 21 (1991) £££
[…] to the Chief of the U.S. Advisory Group in Korea at different times between 1953 and 1961, and was assistant military attache at the Washington D.C. ROK embassy from 1961 to 1964, where he functioned as liaison between the KCIA and the U.S. intelligence agencies. (71) In this latter capacity, he served as one […]
Lobster Issue 40 (Winter 2000/1) £££
[…] to achieve his final official intelligence posting, when, after the liberation of France, and after being transferred from SOE to MI6, he was posted to the British Embassy in Paris. Ambassador Duff Cooper had requested this because he regarded Ayer as a ‘first-class political observer’. Ayer was vague as to what his specific duties […]
Lobster Issue 19 (1990) £££
A small section of this appeared in Lobster 12. Although this is incomplete and under researched, we thought it worth putting out now. The origins of IRD 1947 saw the creation of the Foreign Office’s Information Research Department (IRD). It is generally accepted that IRD was the brain-child of the then Labour M.P. Christopher Mayhew, […]
Lobster Issue 30 (December 1995) £££
[…] author after a Freedom of Information Act appeal filed three years ago. The aim of Project Pandora was to study the microwave frequencies targeted on the US Embassy in Moscow by the Soviets during the 1960s and 70s. All the sources quoted in this paper were included in the Project Pandora papers released to […]
Lobster Issue 18 (1989) £££
[…] war for both NATO intelligence and the BND, where he specialized in acquiring information on the left under journalistic cover.(107) With the help of the communist Chinese embassy in Berne, he persuaded Bulliard to hire him and other AP personnel as correspondents for the PCS/MI- paper, L’Etincelle. (108) Armed with these credentials, Leroy and […]
Lobster Issue 17 (1988) £££
[…] though this is not a subject I am interested in, this looks very impressive and is thoroughly documented. September 1988 includes (using IFA’s headlines) Jerusalem Christian ’ embassy’ aids Contras Israeli Help on New South African Aircraft Pentagon Sleaze Pipeline Sleaze etc etc. It’s your basic parapolitics methodology (read and collate a hell of […]
Lobster Issue 49 (Summer 2005) £££
[…] Israeli Lobby (Chicago: Lawrence Hill and Co., 1985): ‘During the Iranian hostage crisis in 1980, columnist Jack Anderson quoted “US intelligence reports”, actually supplied by the Israeli embassy by way of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, that the PLO had mined the embassy to frustrate any rescue attempt by the United States. The […]