
Lobster Issue 47 (Summer 2004) £££

[…] a group of right-wing politicians’. (6) Enoch Powell denied any connection with the station, but its station manager admitted to The Observer that he was ‘basically a Conservative and had once stood unsuccessfully for election as a Conservative city councillor.'(7) There was some speculation that it was funded by the South African government, but […]

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Miscellaneous: Cold war. Disinformation. Elite. Unclassified. G.K. Young, Unison

Lobster Issue 24 (December 1992) £££

[…] never joined any of the groups Larry O’Hara deals with but has attended their meetings, reads their publications, once nearly joined, and describes himself as a Libertarian Conservative Nationalist, (sic!) I read his article with interested. I noticed a few errors. On page 15 he describes Lesley Wooler as a member of the 62 […]

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Brian Crozier, the Pinay Circle and James Goldsmith

Lobster Issue 17 (1988) £££

[…] 37, 1982, an article called ‘Victory for Strauss’. The Langemann papers 8th November 1979 Protected source contributions to state security. Personal for the state minister only”The militant conservative London publicist, Brian Crozier, Director of the famous Institute for the Study of Conflict up to September 1979, has been working with his diverse circle of […]

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The Blairs and their Court

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Lobster Issue 50 (Winter 2005/6) £££

[…] to Beckett and Hencke, in the late 1980s Nigel Lawson could never understand why Tony Blair was a member of the Labour Party rather than of the Conservative Party. This question subsequently occurred to a growing number of Labour Party members and the answer they came up with saw tens of thousands of them […]

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Coach into pumpkin: some problems with Paget

Lobster Issue 54 (Winter 2007/8) £££

[…] International Red Cross campaign against landmines. What would normally have been a strictly humanitarian gesture was given a political dimension by the fact that John Major’s rapidly-deflating Conservative government had stalled repeatedly on banning landmines, whereas Labour was promising a foreign policy with ‘an ethical dimension’. Declassified US diplomatic cables record that ‘Government officials […]

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Perfidious Albion: an end to deceit

Lobster Issue 46 (Winter 2003) £££

[…] pay to guarantee assured outcomes to his backers: active members, after all, can rock the boat carrying the big donor cheques which keep New Labour afloat. The Conservative party is no better placed and it is difficult to see how they would want to change the direction of foreign policy anyway. Whatever Hutton concludes, […]

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Anti-totalitarianism: The left-wing case for a neo-conservative foreign policy

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Lobster Issue 51 (Summer 2006) £££

Oliver Kamm London: The Social Affairs Unit, 2005, h/b, £13.99   Kamms’ Anti-totalitarianism was published in the same week and possibly on the same day as the Henry Jackson Society announced itself to the world. So this is a kind of manifesto for that group. (1 ) It’s a nice try, in a way, this … Read more

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At Her Majesty’s Secret Service: The Chiefs of Britain’s Intelligence Agency, MI6

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Lobster Issue 53 (Summer 2007) £££

[…] made public.’ You can’t buy an endorsement better than that, thanks very much. And if ‘the Establishment’ was cross with ‘West’ it didn’t stop him becoming a Conservative MP; and under Margaret Thatcher, who hated dishers of dirt and secrets. So, for me, ‘West’ has always been a puzzle: a conservative (and Conservative) historian […]

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Letter from America

Lobster Issue 28 (December 1994) £££

Compromised Reporting Taking its cue from a powerful network of far-right radio commentators, the American press insists on noting only those financial scandals which don’t sully ultra- conservative politicians. Of either party. For example: Rush Limbaugh, who has become the Republican Party’s Goebbels, loudly applauded Clinton’s appointment of Treasury Secretary Lloyd Bentsen, an appalling […]

Jim Callaghan: the life and times of Solomon Binding

Lobster Issue 49 (Summer 2005) £££

[…] Healey become leader many commentators believe the SDP would never have been launched and the result of the 1983 election would have been different (a much lower Conservative majority). By staying on and adopting an easy-going and lacklustre stance, Callaghan gave credibility to the many demands for a radical change of direction. When he […]

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