Search Results for: Conservative
Misleading Parliament – a case to answer
See also: Misleading Parliament – Appendices
[PDF file]: […] to cover up abuses of power? 19 Having read this document, it is important to bear in mind the following comment made by Margaret Thatcher at the Conservative Party Conference, Winter Gardens, Blackpool, 10 October 1975, only eight months after I was moved out of Northern Ireland. The first duty of Government is to […]
‘We did good work together’: JFK in Ireland, 1963
[PDF file]: […] discussed the attitude of the UK government toward joining the EEC on 15 October. Lemass thought a Labour government would be harder to deal with than a Conservative. Kennedy thought Labour would do more to get the UK into EEC. The US view was that Wilson would be more positive about Europe than Gaitskell. […]
Holding Pattern
[PDF file]: […] in other nations when Theresa 45 46 47 Another little mystery might be explained by an MI6 link. Fresh out of Oxford University, young Dave’s entrance to Conservative Central Office was smoothed by a phone call from someone at Buckingham Palace, who told the startled recipient: ‘I understand you are to see David Cameron. […]
The Richer, The Poorer, by Stewart Lansley
[PDF file]: […] pro-inequality model of political economy, dysfunctional as it has been, proved remarkably resilient.’ How and why has this happened in the 21st century under Labour, Coalition and Conservative governments? Lansley says the key explanation for Britain’s high poverty rate lies in profound economic and social shifts. These include the speed of industrial change, the […]
The long goodbye? Taking on the consultants
[PDF file]: […] apologised to civil servants for his denigration of them but: One senior government source said: ‘Dominic Cummings was right about Whitehall. But I blame him and the Conservative Party for 14 years of low pay, bad leadership and demoralisation which means we don’t have the right people in the right places.’7 How, one wonders, […]
Europe Isn’t Working by Larry Elliott and Dan Atkinson
[PDF file]: […] that my economics tutor gave it to us non-specialists in our second year to kick around. Four years or so later this nonsense was adopted by the Conservative Party. It is unclear to me if they believed it or not. My guess would be that Mrs Thatcher and Geoffrey Howe – both tax lawyers […]
Reel Power: Hollywood Cinema and American Supremacy by Matthew Alford
[PDF file]: […] left-wing, secular, anti-western thinking. It is the Guardian of the air. It has a knee-jerk antipathy to America, the free market, big business, religion, British institutions, the Conservative party and Israel; it supports the human rights culture, the Palestinians, Irish republicanism, European integration, multiculturalism and a liberal attitude towards drugs and a host of […]
The EU: A Corporatist Racket: How the European Union was created by global corporatism for global corporatism by David Barnby
[PDF file]: […] Union was created by global corporatism for global corporatism David Barnby Available from for £8.99 The author of this self-published book is a member of the Conservative Party in Witney in Oxfordshire (MP David Cameron) and, more importantly, a member of that party’s anti-EU wing. This is centrally about the background to, and […]
Peer group pressure
[PDF file]: […] feature which Mandelson’s connection with a cyber security outfit suggested: Labour peers seem to have a far greater predilection for working with cyber security firms than do Conservative peers. 1 Judging by the political affiliations of Vice Chairs of the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Cyber Security,2 which MPs can join, this is […]