Lobster Issue 70 (Winter 2015)
[PDF file]: […] we will never know it. Postscript Angleton, Epstein, and the creation of Legend Some background on how Legend came about is worth noting since Reader’s Digest, a conservative publication known for its sympathetic coverage of the CIA, heavily bankrolled it. In 1974 Reader’s Digest published John Barron’s book KGB: The Secret Work of Soviet […]
Lobster Issue 85 (Summer 2023)
[PDF file]: […] (SOE). He was parachuted into Albania in April 1943, on the flight out reading Horse and Hound and the Tatler! Jones insists that while he had ‘ conservative . . . leanings’, he was by and large ‘uninterested in politics’. (p. 83) Once again, this seems much too generous. In fact, his conservatism was […]
Lobster Issue 81 (Summer 2021)
[PDF file]: […] If so, whatever could be gleaned about Hess from this contact could be used against anyone trying to negotiate with him: i.e. Bevin thought elements in the Conservative party were trying to reach a deal with the Nazi regime, and wanted material that would discredit them. Another explanation might be that the enquiry to […]
Lobster Issue 70 (Winter 2015)
[PDF file]: […] has interviewed the most heads of state and government’, which is true as far as it goes. 4 Sarah Curtis notes simply that Mr Lewis was: ‘ Conservative MP, elected 1997’ – which again, is true as far as it goes but does not reflect Mr Lewis’ status at the time or, for example, […]
Lobster Issue 85 (Summer 2023)
[PDF file]: […] on the nation’s doorstep will be an increasingly important asset, helping spread wealth and growth across the UK as a whole’, trills the advertorial, neatly addressing the Conservative government’s shaky, if not calamitous, relationship with ‘growth’ and ‘levelling up.’ How then does the CEBR report substantiate these claims? If one could sum it up […]
Lobster Issue 70 (Winter 2015)
Lobster Issue 69 (Summer 2015)
[PDF file]: […] Union was created by global corporatism for global corporatism David Barnby Available from Amazon.co.uk for £8.99 The author of this self-published book is a member of the Conservative Party in Witney in Oxfordshire (MP David Cameron) and, more importantly, a member of that party’s anti-EU wing. This is centrally about the background to, and […]
Lobster Issue 84 (Winter 2022)
[PDF file]: […] fear, now that 9/11 and ‘terrorism’ have begun losing their effectiveness. (pp. 96/7) So there you have it: the pandemic was a myth. You may argue, as Conservative politicians have begun to do, that leaving the pandemic response to the scientists was a mistake, and that lockdown was unnecessary. But 200,000 dead in the […]