Lobster Issue 80 (Winter 2020)
[PDF file]: […] the Japanese economy in the long term – the opposite in fact. In contrast, the experience in the UK is that the austerity policies promoted by the Conservative governments since 2010 have resulted in more damage to the long term prospects of the UK economy and in its short term economic performance. Kelton does […]
Lobster Issue 62 (Winter 2011)
[PDF file]: […] left) supported/ penetrated/run by the CIA during the Cold War. In its attempt to regulate the entire Western media in those years, the CIA could take the conservative UK press for granted as good anti-communists; it was the left or leftish media it needed to concentrate on. And in the UK, America’s most important […]
Lobster Issue 59 (Summer 2010)
[PDF file]: […] to the Conservatives and was elected MP for Carlisle in 1954, a seat he retained in the 1959 general election. He stood again in 1964 as a ‘Conservative and Independent’ but lost. In 1936 Dr Johnson and his first wife, Christiane (subsequently killed in the wartime bombing of London), travelled to Russia. He wanted […]