Pissing in or pissing out? The ‘big tent’ of Green Alliance

Lobster Issue 42 (Winter 2001/2) £££

[…] power and Labour into opposition. With the skids already under the Callaghan government this was a reasonably heavy blow to strike. A year later one of the Conservative gains in the 1979 general election was Fulham, a seat Labour might have held had they retained control of the local council.(24) Green Alliance launched Green […]

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The politics of the organic movement – an overview

Lobster Issue 56 (Winter 2008/9) £££

[…] among them, the agricultural botanist Sir Albert Howard, the nutritionist Sir Robert McCarrison, R. G. Stapledon, and the landowners Rolf Gardiner and Lord Northbourne. Lymington had been Conservative MP for Basingstoke from 1929 to 1934, resigning his seat in disgust at parliamentary democracy’s inability to deal with the economic depression. He admired Mussolini; he […]

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The Ultranationalist Right in Turkey and the Attempted Assassination of Pope John Paul II

Lobster Issue 19 (1990) £££

[…] the first category – or unwittingly by communist sympathisers with an idealised view of the Soviet Union. Either way, such propaganda is rarely picked up by mainstream conservative and liberal publications in the West which, if anything, tend to gullibly accept and promote the propaganda lines of their own governments. (22) In any event, […]

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Right-wing Terrorists and the Extraparliamentary Left in Post-World War 2 Europe: Collusion or Manipulation?

Lobster Issue 18 (1989) £££

[…] are nowadays: the ‘social racist’ or neo-Nazi tendency (30); the ‘revolutionary nationalist’ or left fascist tendency (31); the ‘mystical traditionalist’ tendency based on the theories of Italian ‘conservative revolutionary’ philosopher Julius Evola (32); the ‘Nazi-Maoist’ tendency that evolved out of the Evolan current in response to the rise of the New Left (33); the […]

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The Searchlight saga continued

Lobster Issue 27 (1994) £££

[…] Some had once been associated with Western Goals before it folded, for example, and are now associated with the absurdly titled Revolutionary Conservatives, and the Campaign for Conservative Victory, an umbrella group for the Anti-Federal Europe Movement, Conservatives Against a Federal Europe, Conservative Patriotic Forums etc. (Both the Revolutionary Conservatives and the Campaign for […]

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American Friends: the Anti-CND Groups

Lobster Issue 3 (1984) £££

[…] direct mailing campaign, is regarded as the Godfather of the New Right. He is the former fund-raiser for George Wallace and was the editor of the rabid Conservative Digest. His direct mail organisation dispatched anywhere between 7 and 9 million letters and raised three million dollars in an almost successful attempt to block Senate […]

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The once and future king?

Lobster Issue 56 (Winter 2008/9) £££

[…] the explanations for his subsequent conduct. Livingstone comes from a respectable working-class Tory family. Until he was 28 he lived at home with his parents who were Conservative Party members and activists. This is not investigated by Hosken, but was previously mentioned by Carvel. Their activism included helping at elections – always a key […]

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Notes From the Underground: British Fascism 1974-92

Lobster Issue 23 (1992) £££

[…] and its highly matured machine of conspiracy and terror — a Left that is so adaptable in its guises that it can often look like the most Conservative and “patriotic” Right — to all except those who are versed and trained in world affairs from the counter-conspiratorial point of view. For this reason we […]

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Contamination, the Labour Party, nationalism and the Blairites

Lobster Issue 33 (Summer 1997) £££

[…] con people (and possibly themselves). The right has interests not ideas. Many on the right are really much further right than they admit in public. Behind the conservative is the proto-fascist. (The fascist menace.) In the mirror image, behind the social democrat is the revolutionary left. (The communist menace.)(3) As well as being a […]

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Fascism, the Security Service and the Curious Careers of Maxwell Knight and James McGuirk Hughes

Lobster Issue 22 (1991) £££

The idea that the Security Service, MI5, colluded with British fascism in the inter-war years is not to be found in the existing literature on the subject. On the contrary the fascists are depicted as the victims, rather than the beneficiaries of MI5’s attentions. MI5, it is generally argued, viewed fascism as a potential danger … Read more

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