
Lobster Issue

[…] his relationship with the notorious Roger Stone. According to Morrow, he wrote most of two of Stone’s books, The Clintons’ War on Women, the attack on Hilary Clinton they co-authored, and Stone’s version of the LBJ-dunnit thesis, The Man Who Killed Kennedy. The fact that Stone has apparently stiffed him over royalty payments may […]

The Bilderberg Conspiracy: Inside the world’s most powerful secret society by H. Paul Jeffers

Lobster Issue 61 (Summer 2011) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] His boss at the time was John Smith, leader of the Labour Party and a member of the Bilderberg steering committee. Another attendee in 1991 was Bill Clinton. One can see the value to them of these people mixing with each other, many on the launch pad of their careers. One can imagine Clinton […]

Collapse of stout party: Eden, Suez and America

Lobster Issue 74 (Winter 2017) FREE

[PDF file]: […] from an offshore radio station owned by a Swiss-based electronics company later shown to have had a connection to the Lockerbie bombing.6 Following the Suez parallel, if Clinton had won the US Presidency in November 2016, is it possible the UK might have dumped Brexit by now? The ‘centre’ emboldened by numerous US telephone […]

The View from the Bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] late 2007-early 2008: for example, one could simply read the July 9 2007 issue of Fortune magazine to discover who the major backers of John McCain, Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama were. One could also have read Business Week (25 February 2008) or the Los Angeles Times of 21 March 2008. Through February 2008 […]

Blowback: a Warning to Save Democracy from Trump’s Revenge by Miles Taylor

Lobster Issue 89 (2024) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] trying to create a small faction to infiltrate the Republican Party for personal gain’. (p. 20) After he secured the Republican nomination, the expectation was that Hillary Clinton was certain to defeat this obviously totally unfit crook and conman. Once Trump had been successfully elected (although it is always important to remember that Clinton […]

Who let the dogs out?

Lobster Issue 58 (Winter 2009/2010) FREE

[PDF file]: […] is still supposed to be a secret1 2). This influence has continued: after the Iraq war Labour paid £530,372 to Mark Penn, a Washington-based adviser to Hillary Clinton. During the run-up to the 2005 election Penn ran secret polling of British voters from his company’s call centre in Denver while he stayed at the […]

Fifteen years on from 9/11

Lobster Issue 72 (Winter 2016) FREE

[PDF file]: […] involved in passing money to the alleged hijackers.4 7 Foreign policy and democracy The Project for a New American Century (PNAC) had in 2000 pressed upon President Clinton its ideas for ‘Rebuilding America’s Defences’.4 8 Some of its leading figures had recommended Israel under Binyamin Netanyahu to make a ‘Clean Break’ which required the […]

Chaos and Caliphate: Jihadis and the West in the Struggle for the Middle East by Patrick Cockburn

Lobster Issue 71 (Summer 2016) FREE

[PDF file]: […] Government should consider pensioning off the whole of MI6 and hiring Patrick Cockburn instead’. The second is a quote from one of Sydney Blumenthal’s e-mails to Hilary Clinton when she was Secretary of State, that Cockburn ‘was almost always correct on Iraq’. Both quotes point to another of Cockburn’s themes, which is implicit, rather […]

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