[…] Paget’s Report. See Francis Elliott and Sophie Goodchild, ‘Diana verdict: an accident. But did US bug her calls?’ The Independent, 10 December 2006; Byron York, ‘Did the Clinton administration spy on Princess Diana? No’, National Review Online, 14 December 2006. The Express predictably cried ‘foul’ (Mark Reynolds and John Chapman, ‘Diana: it’s a whitewash…’ […]
[…] opposition to the other side’. Domestic role It discusses the role played by the internet in US politics, at Federal, State and local level. For example, the Clinton administration uses the internet as a means of direct communication with the electorate. E-mail sent to the President at is read and recorded to help […]
[…] with personality than partisanship. It’s all about the freedom conferred by the ‘What’s right is what works’ philosophy as expressed, e.g. by Dick Morris, a former senior Clinton aide who said: ‘That’s why the centre is so viable, and that’s my idea of triangulation: take the best of each and merge them. That’s not […]
[…] interservice rivalries; manipulation of intelligence and the creation of weapons ‘gaps’; Cuba, Vietnam; the second Cold War, ‘star wars’ and the collapse of the Soviet empire; the Clinton years, Iraq and ‘shock and awe’ – a history of the Pentagon’s role in post-war America. En route there are portraits of the leading figures, both […]
[…] pages from Clay Shaw’s attorney, Edward Wegmann. Many of the Garrison documents relate to sightings of ‘Lee Oswald’ and ‘Clay Shaw’, or their doppelgangers, in Jackson and Clinton, La, prior to the assassination. Wegmann’s documents, predictably enough, are said to depict Garrison as a sloppy and irrational homophobe Adios LA? Finally, a tiny item […]
[…] real world about which the New Labour tendency appear to know almost nothing. They’ve believed the hype. At its core New Labour bought the story, from the Clinton people, that America was a more dynamic, open, egalitarian society which – crucially – created more jobs than other western industrialised economies. Most of this is […]
[PDF file]: […] of the essay. 1 David Fahrenthold, ‘Trump Recorded Having Extremely Lewd Conversation About Women in 2005’, Washington Post, 8 October 2016; Mary Jones, ‘Trump’s Reference to Bill Clinton Affair Underscores His Own History of Infidelity’, Washington Post, 25 September 2016; Chris Cillizza, ‘Donald Trump’s “John Miller” Interview is Even Crazier than You Think’, Washington […]
[PDF file]: […] conjecture followed her into the car that rushed her away from the commemoration, across town, up the elevator to the apartment of her daughter Chelsea (where Mrs Clinton went to get herself recomposed) and back out into the street when she re-emerged an hour or two later. The big thing (for about five minutes) […]
[…] aren’t interested in the truth. In this country and particularly in America, the truth and politics are only congruous by accident. The recent Republican campaign against Hillary Clinton was just more of the same. Similar – and more serious – 51 52 Just one example: . charges were made against Bill Clinton. That Clinton […]
[PDF file]: […] obvious to many observers that improving access to Iraq’s oil was driving the invasion.63 This had long been part of the neo-conservatives plans: PNAC’s 1998 letter to Clinton, warned that unless Saddam was removed ‘a significant portion of the world’s supply of oil will be put at hazard.’6 4 Despite the high-level denials, some […]