Historical Notes (De Courcy, Pilcher and Hess; The 1949 sterling crisis)

Lobster Issue 41 (Summer 2001) £££

[…] me. This was that when the Hess affair blew up Pilcher found out what had happened and made no secret of his disgust at the way the Churchill Coalition had handled the peace offer. As a result of his indiscretion he was court-martialled and whisked off to a remote house in Scotland where he […]

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In a Common Cause: the Anti-Communist Crusade in Britain 1945-60

Lobster Issue 19 (1990) £££

[…] aims: to undertake long-term planning as part of a ‘Post-War New Deal’ and to provide an platform for debate on war aims as a loyal opposition to Churchill. Probably because the Committee included a wide spectrum of political figures, including left-wingers like Michael Foot and Konni Zilliacus, a myth has grown that Hulton was […]

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Digression 3

Lobster Issue 12 (1986) £££

[…] Committee from 1970-78. One of the recent pieces on the ’92 Group’ included, from ‘the cast’ of Lobster 11, Biggs-Davison, Wall, Jill Knight (of BACC) and Winston Churchill. (55) The most detailed recent analysis of parliamentary economic links to South Africa is in Labour Research (August 1986), although if you look closely, many of […]

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Patriotism Perverted: Captain Ramsay, the Right Club and British anti-semitism 1939/1940

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Lobster Issue 37 (Summer 1999) £££

[…] peace plans…… which he continued to push until July and August 1940.(11) It all came to nothing. Following the debacle in Norway (which Wolkoff aimed to create) Churchill became Prime Minister. Ramsay, Mosley and most of their followers were arrested and interned from May 23rd 1940 onward. How do we deal with this and […]

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War and peace plots

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Lobster Issue 51 (Summer 2006) £££

[…] leanings, met with Lord Lloyd, a former High Commissioner in Egypt, and Sir Robert Vansittart, a career diplomat who actually had little influence with Chamberlain, and Winston Churchill. Churchill told Lord Halifax of the intentions of the German conspirators. Halifax relayed this to Chamberlain. Other anti-Hitler figures who came to the UK in 1938-1939 […]

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Historical Notes: Wilson and sterling in 1964

Lobster Issue 49 (Summer 2005) £££

[…] ‘of a widening of exchange parities (including introducing a floating rate)’.(4) One of the economists involved in this exercise was Donald MacDougall, previously adviser to the 1951-55 Churchill government, Economic Director of the NEDC from 1962-64 and then Director General of the Department for Economic Affairs. He later wrote that on 24 November he […]

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We The Nation: The Conservative Party and the Pursuit of Power

Lobster Issue 32 (December 1996) £££

[…] apparently stood for; and Thatcher, too, despite her rhetoric, relaxed her convictions when it suited. For her, of course, all post-war Conservative leaders, with the exception of Churchill (and then only because he was the great war leader who went ga-ga in his second term) were little better than closet socialists, accepting the ‘ratchet […]

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Paranoia is what the other guy has

Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££

[…] know against powerful vested interests. A bodyguard of lies Each new fantasy is fresh and every care is taken to embed it into a rich factual framework. Churchill was only half-right or half-honest when he said that a truth must have a bodyguard of lies. A lie must be protected by as many facts […]

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Export or Die: Britain’s Defence Trade with Iran and Iraq

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Lobster Issue 32 (December 1996) £££

[…] Inquiry D2.111 See Inquiry G12.30. The Report summarised the involvement of the British machine tools industry in the Iraqi production of munitions. It even referred to ‘ Churchill Matrix’ (sic). The Interdepartmental Committee set up with FO, MoD and DTI representatives to review export license applications and test them against the Howe Guidelines, would […]

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The state in politics: Wallace, Holroyd and Lobster

Lobster Issue 32 (December 1996) £££

[…] Committee, Maurice Archdeacon, which begins by asserting that Whittaker’s talk of crisis ‘is to make a melodramatic mountain out of several vaguely discerned molehills’. To paraphrase Winston Churchill: Some molehill! Some mole! In his new book, reviewed below, Mark Urban notes at one point that the British spooks chose not tell their nominal political […]

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