In a Common Cause: the Anti-Communist Crusade in Britain 1945-60

Lobster Issue 19 (1990) £££

[…] aims: to undertake long-term planning as part of a ‘Post-War New Deal’ and to provide an platform for debate on war aims as a loyal opposition to Churchill. Probably because the Committee included a wide spectrum of political figures, including left-wingers like Michael Foot and Konni Zilliacus, a myth has grown that Hulton was […]

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Digression 3

Lobster Issue 12 (1986) £££

[…] Committee from 1970-78. One of the recent pieces on the ’92 Group’ included, from ‘the cast’ of Lobster 11, Biggs-Davison, Wall, Jill Knight (of BACC) and Winston Churchill. (55) The most detailed recent analysis of parliamentary economic links to South Africa is in Labour Research (August 1986), although if you look closely, many of […]

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Peace plotting: Patriotism Perverted: Captain Ramsay, the Right Club and British anti-semitism 1939/1940

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Lobster Issue 37 (Summer 1999) £££

[…] peace plans…… which he continued to push until July and August 1940.(11) It all came to nothing. Following the debacle in Norway (which Wolkoff aimed to create) Churchill became Prime Minister. Ramsay, Mosley and most of their followers were arrested and interned from May 23rd 1940 onward. How do we deal with this and […]

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War and peace plots

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Lobster Issue 51 (Summer 2006) £££

[…] leanings, met with Lord Lloyd, a former High Commissioner in Egypt, and Sir Robert Vansittart, a career diplomat who actually had little influence with Chamberlain, and Winston Churchill. Churchill told Lord Halifax of the intentions of the German conspirators. Halifax relayed this to Chamberlain. Other anti-Hitler figures who came to the UK in 1938-1939 […]

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Trust no one: the secret world of Sidney Reilly

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Lobster Issue 45 (Summer 2003) £££

[…] of Zion. Spence shows convincingly that throughout 1919-21 Reilly was a very influential figure in British diplomatic circles, mixing quite easily with the likes of Balfour and Churchill, as ‘Special Consultant on Russian Affairs’ to the Secret Intelligence Service. The longevity and depth of his dealings with Churchill are of particular interest and seem […]

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Kitson revisited

Lobster Issue 43 (Summer 2002) £££

[…] Clutterbuck, Riot and Revolution in Singapore and Malaya, London 1973, pp. 112-121. 9 Frank Kitson, Low Intensity Operations, London 1971, pp. 24-25. 10 For COINTELPRO see Ward Churchill and Jim Vander Wall, Agents of Repression: The FBI’s Secret Wars Against the Black Panther Party and the American Indian Movement, Boston MA, 1990. 11 Kitson, […]

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Body of Secrets, and, Echelon

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Lobster Issue 42 (Winter 2001/2) £££

[…] their “customers”.’ (p. 427) Poor old British industry! It has to pay for this vast bureaucracy, and indeed is sometimes press-ganged into working for it (e.g. Matrix Churchill, Astra) but is not allowed to benefit from a few crumbs off the table. Doesn’t this strike one as being a little unfair? Our opponents, that […]

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Historical Notes: Blair and Gladstone

Lobster Issue 42 (Winter 2001/2) £££

[…] than…..Lord Cromer. The power of this sectional interest, centred on the City of London, was not lost on some Liberals and even a few Tories like Randolph Churchill at the time, and their reading of the episode provided a foundation stone of the radical theory of imperialism developed at the turn of the century […]

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Fascism, the Security Service and the Curious Careers of Maxwell Knight and James McGuirk Hughes

Lobster Issue 22 (1991) £££

The idea that the Security Service, MI5, colluded with British fascism in the inter-war years is not to be found in the existing literature on the subject. On the contrary the fascists are depicted as the victims, rather than the beneficiaries of MI5’s attentions. MI5, it is generally argued, viewed fascism as a potential danger … Read more

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Hitler’s Traitor: Martin Bormann and the Defeat of the Reich

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Lobster Issue 41 (Summer 2001) £££

Louis Kilzer Presidio Press , U.S., 2000, £18.99 (8)   Louis Kilzer has won two Pulitzer Prizes and is the chief investigative writer of the Denver Rocky Mountain News. A couple of chapters into this book it became clear why Kenneth de Courcy sold so many newsletters in the American Mid-West. A low point – […]

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