Hess, ‘Hess’, Timewatch et al

Lobster Issue 20 (1990) £££

[…] Minister of Canada, Mackenzie King. One of the letters from Lord Willingdon, who was apparently one of those involved in the ‘peace plots’, and who tipped off Churchill via Mackenzie King, refers to ‘the problem we have with the double’. Lord Wigram, the King’s equerry, was told by Lord Willingdon that the King was […]

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This Blessed Plot: Britain and Europe from Churchill to Blair

Book cover
Lobster Issue 37 (Summer 1999) £££

Hugo Young Macmillan, 1998, £20 I cannot stand Hugo Young. He is a long-winded, pompous arsehole whose columns in the Guardian are mostly a waste of paper and ink. But he has his uses, notably as a mouthpiece for the Foreign Office. In this book he has revealed in infinitely greater detail than before the … Read more

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Rothschild, the right, the far-right and the Fifth Man

Lobster Issue 16 (1988) £££

[…] Yalta and subsequently was an ardent supporter of Russia’s story.” (20) De Courcy had personal dealings with Rothschild, if only indirectly. The story is that Rothschild approached Churchill in 1942 and advised the Prime Minister that the Soviets felt that de Courcy should be locked up under Section 18b. Moscow asserted that de Courcy’s […]

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Lobster Issue 36 (Winter 1998/9) £££

Feedback Re: the apparent post-war interrogation of Heinrich Muller and the purported German intercept of the Churchill-Roosevelt telephone conversation – in Lobster 35 pp. 20/21Chris Othen reports that the alleged intercept is taken from a book by Gregory Douglas, Gestapo Chief (R.J. Bender Publications, 1998). He writes: ‘This is one of those situations where the […]

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American Friends: the Anti-CND Groups

Lobster Issue 3 (1984) £££

[…] are both conveniently ‘private’, which allows the Conservative Government to keep at arms length the ‘dirty tricks’ of the CPS and the smear tactics of MP Winston Churchill in CDMD. CDMD is actually a tightly organised group of the Conservative Party hierarchy. It includes Winston Churchill, who chaired the co-ordinating (anti-CND groups) Committee For […]

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The TWA Flight 800 crash: was it missiles?

Lobster Issue 42 (Winter 2001/2) £££

‘The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it and ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.’ – Winston Churchill On July 17, 1996, 230 people boarded TWA Flight 800 at Kennedy airport, New York. About twelve minutes after take-off, 8.31 pm, the plane exploded and crashed into the waters off […]

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The final testimony of George Kennedy Young

Lobster Issue 19 (1990) £££

The final testimony of George Kennedy Young Introduction When this was published we believed that it had been written by a close friend of his. Subsequently we learned that it had been written by Young himself. As far as we were able to judge, it is accurate. But this is by no means the whole […]

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The Rebel Who Lost His Cause: the tragedy of John Beckett MP

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Lobster Issue 40 (Winter 2000/1) £££

Francis Beckett London House, 1999, £20 John Beckett has always been an enigma: the fiery left wing Labour MP who became one of Mosley’s fascists, an unrepentant anti-Semite and war-time internee. How to explain this trajectory? Francis Beckett’s new biography is of particular interest because it is an attempt by the man’s son, a left […]

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Historical Notes: MI5 and the Wilson Plot. USA and Chile. Hess

Lobster Issue 40 (Winter 2000/1) £££

[…] asked to see the Duke of Hamilton because he had a message for him from Haushofer. Medhurst had also discovered that on Sunday 11 May Prime Minister Churchill and Air Minister Sinclair had sent for Hamilton. It was as a result of Sinclair’s enquiries that Medhurst was trying to find out what more could […]

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The View From MI5

Lobster Issue 13 (1987) £££

[…] changes in the Tory leadership, after Heath goes, includes this list of “likely key figures”: Whitelaw, St. John Stevas, Pym, Wall, Mather, Knight, Mitchell, Boyson, Goodhart, Biggs-Davison, Churchill, Maude, Fox, Soref, Amery, Carlisle, Onslow, Buck, Baker and Powell. Of this group, 10 – Neave, Wall, Mather, Knight, Goodhart, Biggs-Davison, Churchill, Maude, Soref and Amery […]

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