Lobster Issue 83 (Summer 2022)
[PDF file]: […] , or to the other five boys’ homes, and the circumstances which led up to the problems.’ 5 Moreover, when asked on The World at One ( BBC Radio 4, 18 January 1984) if the Inquiry would take evidence on the alleged activities of the Intelligence agencies, he replied that if there was any […]
Lobster Issue 68 (Winter 2014)
[PDF file]: […] really should be called the Conspiracy Theories and Democracy Project, because it is conspiracy theories and their apparent impact on democracy which they are concerned about. The BBC report on the launch of the project was titled ‘Are conspiracy theories destroying democracy?’;5 and one of the project’s three directors, Sir Richard Evans, began a […]
Lobster Issue 78 (Winter 2019)
[PDF file]: David Shayler, ‘Tunworth’ and the LIFG Nick Must In his book Manufacturing Terrorism,1 T. J. Coles mentions that ex-MI5 officer David Shayler has recently claimed that Ramadan Abedi (the father of Manchester Arena suicide bomber, Salman Abedi) was the MI6 asset who had previous been identified solely with the cypher ‘Tunworth’. Shayler first mentioned Tunworth […]
Lobster Issue 59 (Summer 2010)
[PDF file]: […] ‘investigated’. She’s now in the Lords, too. As is former Truro Lib Dem MP Matthew Taylor. Retiring from the Commons at the general election he told the BBC on 10 April that Parliament was ‘spectacularly unsuccessful. I 2 89 Summer 2010 won’t miss it at all’. Lest we forget (1) The revealing Channel 4 […]
Lobster Issue 82 (Winter 2021)
[PDF file]: Cummings, Greensill and all that Robin Ramsay I watched the Dominic Cummings interview with the BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg on the same day that the first report on the Lex Greensill affair became available on-line. Greensill was the fringe banker who hired former PM David Cameron – at around £29,000 a day – as a ‘consultant’.1 […]
Lobster Issue 68 (Winter 2014)
[PDF file]: […] employed more than 30% of the work force, half had recorded a rise in unemployment in the previous six months.8 As I was writing this paragraph the BBC news announced at the beginning of August 2001, that the manufacturing sector of the British economy was officially in recession – in large part the victim […]
Lobster Issue 68 (Winter 2014)
[PDF file]: […] interests of News International. What seems to have persuaded Murdoch to ditch him was the Tories’ readiness to take measures to inflict serious financial damage on the BBC by freezing the tv licence, weakening Ofcom and waving through the Murdochs’ takeover of BSkyB. It was not that Brown would have balked at such measures […]