Taylor Operation Chiffon

Lobster Issue

[…] then that ‘Robert’ might also have 4 These were Frank Steele and Michael Oatley, both of MI6. I found it redolent of first episode of the 1985 BBC TV series ‘Edge of Darkness’ – a bit of a niche reference, I admit, but if you know, you know. 5 6 This is in the […]

Taylor Operation Chiffon

Lobster Issue

[…] then that ‘Robert’ might also have 4 These were Frank Steele and Michael Oatley, both of MI6. I found it redolent of first episode of the 1985 BBC TV series ‘Edge of Darkness’ – a bit of a niche reference, I admit, but if you know, you know. 5 6 This is in the […]

A tale of two Islingtons: How Blair opened the door for Corbyn

Lobster Issue 77 (Summer 2019) FREE

[PDF file]: […] Barbie, Robert Maxwell, Tiny Rowland, Mohamed Al-Fayed, Geoffrey Robinson, Gordon Brown, Conrad Black, Bernie Ecclestone, Simon Cowell, Richard Branson, Tony Blair and Prince Charles. Working for the BBC from 1970, he reported for and then produced Panorama. He hit his stride in 1981 with Blind Eye to Murder: Britain, America and the Purging of […]

South of the border

Lobster Issue 78 (Winter 2019) FREE

[PDF file]: […] have previously been released by the National Archives.9 Hess and the Doppleganger Hess Andrew Rosthorn’s piece on Rudolf Hess in the current issue10 makes mention of the BBC Timewatch episode ‘Hess: The Edge of Conspiracy’. The programme was fronted by the eternally smug Professor Christopher Andrew – he who was chosen by MI5 to […]

Donald Trump and the Christian Right

Lobster Issue 76 (Winter 2018) FREE

[PDF file]: […] America believe in angels than they do in evolution’.2 When it came to covering the 2016 election even so relentlessly superficial an observer as Jon Sopel, the BBC News North American editor, could not help noticing that as far as religion is concerned, ‘America is bucking the trend that can be observed throughout the […]

The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue 88 (2024) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] between the country as it actually is and as it is represented in Westminster.17 If Butler and McTeague are political commentators, Libby Purves is not. Times columnist, BBC presenter for many years, Purves is the personification of the middle-of-the-road, mainstream, apolitical (but conservative) journalist.18 But things are now so bad even Purves was moved […]

Suddenly in September?

Lobster Issue 82 (Winter 2021) FREE

[PDF file]: […] framing the ‘war on terror’ narrative around Osama bin Laden in a New York studio, former Israel Prime Minister Ehud Barak was doing the same from a BBC World one in London.34 His ‘the world 27 28 or 29 30 31 or 32 and 
 or or 33 34 5 will never be the […]

View from Bridge copy

Lobster Issue

[…] between the country as it actually is and as it is represented in Westminster.17 If Butler and McTeague are political commentators, Libby Purves is not. Times columnist, BBC presenter for many years, Purves is the personification of the middle-of-the-road, mainstream, apolitical (but conservative) journalist.18 But things are now so bad even Purves was moved […]

South of the border

Lobster Issue 82 (Winter 2021) FREE

[PDF file]: […] had killed at least four people – one of whom was teenager Michael Kelly.1 This fact had first been established at the Saville Inquiry in 2003, with BBC news reporting: ‘Soldier F agreed at the Saville Inquiry on Thursday that he killed four people, but insisted he did not murder them. Soldier F admitted […]

Dangerous Hero, and, Boris Johnson

Lobster Issue 81 (Summer 2021) FREE

[PDF file]: […] of the ‘Boris-haters’ who have done their best to use his character – i.e. his dishonesty, his irresponsibility, his unreliability, his selfishness – to discredit him. The BBC, the Guardian and Polly Toynbee are particularly guilty in this regard; but Matthew Parris and Max Hastings on the right get a mention as well. They […]

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