Lobster Issue Clandestine Caucus (1996)
[PDF file]: […] 1949, worth over £1,800,000.49 In the first six months of 1949 Aims claims to have had 41 radio broadcasts on the Home or Light programmes of the BBC; and just before the election of 1950 in January, 362 magazines and newspapers gave 11,269 column inches to Aims-inspired stories. Aims magazine, The Voice of Industry, […]
Lobster Issue 69 (Summer 2015)
[PDF file]: […] at the precise stations where they did in fact go off, leading some participants in the exercise to be initially impressed that the drill extended to live BBC broadcasts of their ‘fictional’ disaster. (Although much has been made of this incident, it should be remembered that it was a ‘paper drill’, i.e. a crisis […]
Lobster Issue 63 (Summer 2012)
[PDF file]: […] domestic manufacturing economy. Neil Kinnock, party leader after 1983, chose as his economic advisor the Cambridge economist John Eatwell. In 1982 Eatwell had written and fronted a BBC TV series, ‘Whatever happened to Britain?’3 This was in the tradition of analyses, going back to the 1950s, bemoaning Britain’s relative economic decline; but it was […]
Lobster Issue 60 (Winter 2010)
[PDF file]: […] heavy with Israel apologists, Standpoint is part of the Social Affairs Unit, itself an offshoot of the Institute for Economic Affairs. Bob’s chums The row over a BBC World Service item on Sir Bob Geldof and what allegedly happened to some of the money he raised at the time of the Ethiopia famine 25 […]