Lobster Issue 82 (Winter 2021)
[PDF file]: Gone but not forgotten . . . UnPresidented: Politics, pandemics and the race that Trumped all others Jon Sopel BBC Books, 2021, £20.00, h/b The Useful Idiot: How Donald Trump Killed the Republican Party with Racism, and the Rest of Us with Coronavirus, And Why aren’t We Done With Him Yet? S V Date […]
Lobster Issue 59 (Summer 2010)
[PDF file]: […] this limited output was immensely popular, with up to 4 million listeners tuning in every night to Radio Luxembourg rather than to the immensely staid and Reithian BBC Home Service. To satisfy UK demand for more broadcasting of this type Plugge also ran a smaller operation, Radio Normandy, a small station licensed by the […]
Lobster Issue 74 (Winter 2017)
[PDF file]: […] . 23 24 See . To no-one’s surprise this tweak now classifies as ‘fake news’ a great of left-wing writing. See, for example, . 25 7 The BBC News website carried a story on 4 December 2017 that the BBC had made a Freedom of Information request to the Cambridge Police asking them to […]
Lobster Issue 80 (Winter 2020)
[PDF file]: […] in the world, down 10 points from April 2019’. Meanwhile, 41% said ‘the UK should ‘US election 2020: The other 1,214 candidates running for president’ from the BBC News website at . 13 See the financial details for the ‘Kanye 2020 Committee’ on the Federal Election Commission website at . 14 See, e.g., ‘Talked […]