Robin Ramsay, editor

Lobster Issue

[…] and the current editor. For contact details click here. Books by Robin Ramsay Politics and Paranoia (Hove: Picnic Publishing, 2008) Who Shot JFK? (2002) The Rise of New Labour (2002) Conspiracy Theories: Almost Everything You Need to Know in One Essential Guide (2000) Smear! Wilson and the Secret State (1991) by Stephen Dorrill and […]

Systemic Corruption, Systemic Solutions

Lobster Issue 38 (Winter 1999) £££

[…] aside for two other examples. Ben Lucas of Lawson Lucas Mendelsohn (known as ‘LLM’) learned that on June 11, Gordon Brown would announce the creation of a new housing inspectorate. Lucas passed this on to his affected clients. He gave me other examples of what he called ‘… intelligence which in market terms would […]

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Surf’s up! Internet sites of interest

Lobster Issue 31 (June 1996) £££

[…] Web Conspiracy Page Lists conspiracy-related net sites and newsgroups. Under ‘top secret files’ the menu includes Bilderbergers, EMP Weapons, FEMA, HAARP, Mind Control, Nazis and Occult, New World Orders, Opal Files, October Surprise. (Had difficulty down-loading – info may be zipped). Online discussion forum contains articles on conspiracy issues and Non Lethal Weapons […]

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Common Cause

Lobster Issue 12 (1986) £££

[…] of 1956 Smith, Fothergill, Edwards, Ammon and others resigned, alleging, inter alia, that Common Cause was becoming “reactionary”.(24) The group eventually split into two ‘Common Causes’, the new one being Common Cause Ltd. – the ‘reactionary’ group – incorporated 8th August 1956.(25) Its directors were Peter Crane, David Pelman James, Neil Elles and C.W.S. […]

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Did Churchill reveal the pending Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor to Roosevelt two weeks before it happened?

Lobster Issue 35 (Summer 1998) £££

[…] I just happen to have on my shelves Betrayal at Pearl Harbour by James Rusbridger and Eric Nave, (Michael O’Mara Books Ltd, London 1992; Simon & Schuster, New York). Eric Nave was the man who broke the Japanese naval cipher JN-25 in 1939. Churchill actually sent a message to Roosevelt at 03h20 London time […]

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Stalin’s granny, Christopher Andrew and the Cold War

Lobster Issue 38 (Winter 1999) £££

[…] (He is the second contributor to this issue to have been virused recently.) But I had on file this splendid polemic written at the time of the latest outbreak of spy mania to hit this country. Turner’s column proper will begin in the next issue. It must surely rank as one of the silliest […]

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Splinter Factor update

Lobster Issue 23 (1992) £££

[…] curious. (b) Splinter Factor p. 163 says: ‘Meanwhile. the CIA had been working on the Clementis case. In October 1949 Clementis attended the U.N. General Assembly in New York and immediately a two-pronged attack, designed to persuade him to seek political asylum, was launched by the CIA through its State Department outlets and by […]

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Terrorism and Intelligence in Australia

Book cover
Lobster Issue 57 (Summer 2009) £££

[…] CIA in funding the opposition parties and leaning on ASIO.(6) Will the academic version of MI5 for this period (should there ever be one) be as forthcoming about ‘the Wilson plots’? Notes A decent recent summary of those events, ‘The Hidden Australia – a secret recent History of the Whitlam Dismissal’, is available at .

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Mind control

Lobster Issue 55 (Summer 2008) £££

[…] Europe;(2)and some of this technology’s ramifications for psychiatry and the disagnosis of mental illness, has been addressed by Carole Smith in an essay ‘On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology’. (3) Ultrasound Really, voices-in the-head is nothing these days: you can buy ultrasound machines […]

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The View from the Bridge

Lobster Issue 33 (Summer 1997) £££

[…] by Macauley’s brother – that the couple did not intend to marry because Macauley’s cat would not get on with the official 11 Downing Street cat! The New Labour-friendly Patrick Wintour joined in, reporting in the Observer of 26 January a dinner party attended by Brown ‘and his team, including his close friend Sarah […]

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