Secret Contenders

Lobster Issue 8 (1985) £££

Books Secret Contenders Melvin Beck (Sheridan Square Publications, US 1984) The CIA Christmas party of 1958 found 48 year old all-American boy, Melvin Beck, getting the offer of overseas work with Clandestine Services. He “struck like a hungry bass” and landed in Havana in 1959, just as the first Russian freighter was arriving. Fairly […]

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Decoding Edward Jay Epstein’s ‘LEGEND’

Lobster Issue 2 (1983) £££

[…] some sense Oswald was got at by the KGB – maybe in Japan. There is of course, nothing resembling evidence for this belief. There is no ‘ secret life’ – the promise in the book’s subtitle. In 1964, while the Warren Commission was sitting, Nosenko defected and announced, among other things, that he had […]

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Last Talons of the Eagle

Book cover
Lobster Issue 37 (Summer 1999) £££

Secret Nazi Technology which could have changed the course of WWII Gary Hyland and Anton Gill, Headline Books, 1998, £18.99 Thirty years ago schoolboys built model aeroplanes. The most common and popular were, for the Airfix generation, the main combat types of the last great war – Spitfires, Me109s, Mustangs, Zeros, Lancasters, Flying […]

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Truth Twisting: notes on disinformation

Lobster Issue 19 (1990) £££

[…] Tugwell, the first head of Information Policy in Northern Ireland. (See Lobster 16). Tugwell’s activities as a Director of the Canada-South Africa Society are described in Top Secret No 1/89. MARA: Mid-Atlantic Research Associates, Inc. The Socialist International (1985) Robert Moss. Where is Robert Moss these days? The last sighting we have of him […]

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The View from the Bridge. Psy-ops. Common Cause. Larry Flynt. Hepple/Matthews. John Ware

Lobster Issue 35 (Summer 1998) £££

[…] unit in Belfast in the 1970s. Wallace would take journalists, especially foreign journalists whose knowledge of British politics was limited, into back room and show them ‘ secret documents’ – some genuine, some forgeries – which they could read but not copy, in the hope that the more naive of them would publish what […]

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The state in politics: Wallace, Holroyd and Lobster

Lobster Issue 32 (December 1996) £££

[…] the Party leadership expose left-wing MPs links with the Soviets – presuming that there were any – for the same reason that they did not expose the secret Soviet funding of the CPGB. They wanted to retain the crypto-communist weapon; they wanted Labour MPs to continue contact with the Soviet bloc; they wanted a […]

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Britain’s Secret Propaganda War

Book cover
Lobster Issue 37 (Summer 1999) £££

[…] Lashmar and James Oliver Sutton Publishing, Stroud (UK) £25.00 hb This is a really interesting and important book – perhaps the most important book about the British secret state since Fitzgerald and Bloch’s British Intelligence and Covert Action in the early 1980s. The incremental uncovering of the Information Research Department (IRD) story has been […]

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Mind Control and the American Government

Lobster Issue 23 (1992) £££

[…] slipped the drug; later, mescaline was combined with hypnosis. (8) After the war, a number of Nazi chemical warfare specialists went on to work for the American secret services. These scientists included Karl Tauboeck, whose attempts to find a workable ‘truth serum’ provided the CIA with a wealth of data — data derived, ultimately, […]

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Gone but not forgotten

Lobster Issue 19 (1990) £££

[…] in almost any other sector of the trade union movement’. The report recommended that ‘Departments should have the right in respect of establishments or staff employed on secret work to deny access to or to refuse to negotiate with trade union officials whom they had reason to believe were Communists.’ This definition was extended […]

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Inside ‘Inside Intelligence’

Lobster Issue 15 (1988) £££

[…] Neither book takes on board the fact that the emigres used were largely ex-nazi collaborators, or how MI6 came to be involved with such people. The big secret that Philby and the other defectors took with them was the involvement of MI6, through Ellis and Menzies, with these proto-fascists before, during and after the […]

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