The once and future king?

Lobster Issue 56 (Winter 2008/9) £££

[…] forgeries were the work of some branch of the British secret state and were part of the attempts in 1974-76 to discredit the Labour governments of Harold Wilson. Ted Knight fits perfectly the role of the ‘deep entryist’ mole who appears to have been ‘expelled’ from or left an extremist group but actually retains […]

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Britain’s Secret Propaganda War

Book cover
Lobster Issue 37 (Summer 1999) £££

[…] George Thomson presided over longer-term IRD activities’. (p. 138) George Thomson, later ennobled as Lord Thomson of Monifieth, was one of the leading pro-EEC members of the Wilson Cabinet and a former Chair of the Labour Committee for Europe. He resigned from the Shadow Cabinet in 1973 when Labour policy shifted into an anti-EEC […]

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The final testimony of George Kennedy Young

Lobster Issue 19 (1990) £££

The final testimony of George Kennedy Young Introduction When this was published we believed that it had been written by a close friend of his. Subsequently we learned that it had been written by Young himself. As far as we were able to judge, it is accurate. But this is by no means the whole […]

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Spies at Work

Lobster Issue 28 (December 1994) £££

[…] right-wing which Hughes, like a few others on the British Left began in the mid 1980s; and a rather perfunctory account of the covert operations against the Wilson government and the rise of Thatcherism. The Right is another country Left pioneers like Mike Hughes into the strange country of the British Right were wrestling […]

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British History and the British Right

Lobster Issue 28 (December 1994) £££

[…] 1790-1988 (London, 1989). Thus Kenneth O. Morgan’s study, The People’s Peace 1945-1990 (Oxford, 1992), in many ways a fine book, barely refers to the plots against the Wilson Governments. Morgan discusses the Mountbatten incident but only on the basis of Cecil King’s diaries. There is no reference to the work of Dorril and Ramsay […]

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Parallel development: the Workers Party and the Progressive Unionist Party in Northern Ireland

Lobster Issue 50 (Winter 2005/6) £££

Before he went on the run, in the wake of Ernie Elliot’s murder in 1972, former British soldier and UDA member David Fogel gave an interview to the London Times.(1) In it he denounced sectarianism and said that he hoped that one day ‘the Official IRA and the UDA would work together, because both organisations […]

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Lobster Issue 1 (1983) £££

[…] dissension within the Loyalist ranks, and foment infighting. In the wake of the successful Ulster Worker Council’s strike in May, 1974, the British Government, under Prime Minister Wilson, tried to renew contacts with the Republican movement. It felt that it was still possible to extract concessions from the IRA for a possible peace settlement. […]

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Paul Foot 1938 – 2004

Lobster Issue 49 (Summer 2005) £££

Footy and me I did two things with Paul Foot. Over two days, he, Colin Wallace and I copy-edited the manuscript of what became Foot’s Who Framed Colin Wallace? Foot was impressively objective about his own writing, accepting editing suggestions on their merits. During a lunch break he said to me: ‘What’s a bright guy […]

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Fifth Column: A brief sojourn East of Suez: a last gasp for British great power status

Lobster Issue 54 (Winter 2007/8) £££

The debate about whether the British should have a military presence East of Suez seemed to have been settled under the Wilson-Callaghan Government in the 1960s and 1970s. The process of withdrawal started with the independence of India and Pakistan (widely celebrated in the UK media recently on its sixtieth anniversary), was confirmed by the […]

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Friends of the British Secret State

Lobster Issue 16 (1988) £££

[…] an “Its a Knockout” hostess in England after having an affair with her. (6) Concerning Wallace’s links with Airey Neave rather than a fantasy about destabilising the Wilson government, it is more likely that Wallace was trying to ingratiate himself with Neave in order to get to Neave’s friend Lt.Col. Brush the head of […]

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