Miscellaneous reviews

Lobster Issue 64 (Winter 2012) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] pre-WW2V period, followed by a survey – what he calls ‘mapping’, to make it sound grander – of some recent and contemporary theories, with an emphasis on UFO theories of the past 20 years and the way they have been incorporated into systemic and superconspiracies. So we got potted accounts of the nonsense spouted […]

The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] drone strikes (the UK is not yet, apparently, doing its own killing).112 Ufology Intellectually disreputable though it is to many, there is much of interest in the UFO thing. All manner of fascinating trails run in and out of it – intelligence agencies, media manipulation, disinformation and the big question: what can be known? […]

Jimmy Carter’s Roswell investigation

Lobster Issue 78 (Winter 2019) FREE

[PDF file]: […] of the state of Georgia, Mr Carter and (he now claims) ‘about 25 others’ were baffled by an incident which Mr Carter subsequently reported to the International UFO Bureau.3 Mr Carter described it as a ball of light, the apparent size of the Moon, moving through the sky before receding rapidly into the distance. […]

The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue 67 (Summer 2014) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] the fact that the second stage of the operation, popping the bubble in the ‘double bubble’, as Colin Wallace described it, didn’t really work. Many of the UFO buffs who believed the MJ12 material were not persuaded that it had all been a hoax even when the perpetrators of the hoax told them so. […]

Using the UK FOIA, part II

Lobster Issue 75 (Summer 2018) FREE

[PDF file]: […] the good’ who were listed as the dozen supposed members of the Majestic 12 committee in the psy-ops operation run by the US Air Force against the UFO community in the USA. See Mark Pilkington, Mirage Men (London: Constable, 2010). 10 Frances Stonor Saunders, The Cultural Cold War: The CIA and the World of […]

The View from the Bridge

Lobster Issue

[…] the fact that the second stage of the operation, popping the bubble in the ‘double bubble’, as Colin Wallace described it, didn’t really work. Many of the UFO buffs who believed the MJ12 material were not persuaded that it had all been a hoax even when the perpetrators of the hoax told them so. […]

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