The View From MI5

Lobster Issue 13 (1987) £££

[…] of names from the British Right, from the context obviously there as some kind of allies. They are: The Society for Individual Freedom, G.K.Young (SIF member, ex MI6, Unison Committee for Action, Monday Club), Gerald Howarth (now a Tory MP: at the time in SIF), Francis Bennion (SIF, the brains behind the attempt to […]

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Electronic Privacy and the Encryption Debate

Lobster Issue 37 (Summer 1999) £££

[…] likely to be futile because of its decentralised nature as was shown recently when the government was unable to prevent the distribution of a list of alleged MI6 officers.(32) Governments, law enforcement and intelligence agencies have become increasingly concerned, citing the Internet’s use by criminals, terrorists and paedophiles to justify attempts to impose controls. […]

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Hess, ‘Hess’, Timewatch et al

Lobster Issue 20 (1990) £££

[…] there was no mention of any wound in the post mortem.   Andrew Rosthorn writes: Kenneth de Courcy, 80 year old former personal agent for Churchill’s wartime MI6 chief, Sir Stewart Menzies, says that two files have been stolen from his personnal archive, which is preserved at the Hoover Institution in the University of […]

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Yo, Blair!

Lobster Issue 52 (Winter 2006/7) £££

The unspeakable Martin Kettle of The Guardian is a political journalist who has been pretty close to, and supportive of, New Labour since the 1990s. His article ‘The special relationship that squandered a noble cause’ (27 May 2006) opened with this: ‘The long arc of Tony Blair’s rise and decline has been punctuated by journeys […]

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The British Watergate

Lobster Issue 13 (1987) £££

[…] the policies of Merlyn Rees, the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland; The authors examine: the role of MI5 in domestic politics; the struggle between MI5 and MI6 for control in Northern Ireland; the National Association for Freedom, and, in particular, that organisation’s links to British intelligence; and show the links between some of […]

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9/11’s Trainer in Terrorism Was an FBI Informant

Lobster Issue free article

[…] York: Free Press, 2006), 225: “It is believed in some quarters that while Omar Sheikh was at the LSE he was recruited by the British intelligence agency MI6. It is said that MI6 persuaded him to take an active part in demonstrations against Serbian aggression in Bosnia and even sent him to Kosovo to […]

Shorts: James Rusbridger. Illuminati. Gordievsky. Cavendish

Lobster Issue 27 (1994) £££

[…] a subject on which Gordievsky, still a defector in place when it was published, was an expert on the Soviet side? A Cavendish miscellany Anthony Cavendish, former MI6 officer, banker and author of the longest ‘Christmas card’ in recorded history — his book Inside Intelligence — wrote to inform me of the following appertaining […]

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Kitson, Kincora and counter-insurgency in Northern Ireland

Lobster Issue 10 (1986) £££

[…] and intelligence between the Army and the RUC at all levels up to Brigade. However, some of the successful operatives were recruited by Mr Craig Smellie of MI6, to operate on cross-border duties. Holroyd was one of this small group. John Colin Wallace, an Ulsterman from Ballymena, was a civil servant employed at Headquarters […]

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The Searchlight saga continued

Lobster Issue 27 (1994) £££

[…] either to be put into the hands of a special police unit attached to the Police National Intelligence Bureau, or to be turned over to MI5 and MI6…. this proposal might astonish some of our readers. But it is clear that Special Branch’s head office in London had failed to comprehend the dangerous nature […]

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Lobster Issue 52: Contents

Lobster Issue 52 (Winter 2006/7) £££

[…] information, especially Jane Affleck and Robert Henderson for the continuous stream of articles; and to Phil Chamberlain who spotted Norman Baker’s House of Commons adjournment debate on MI6. The content of a number of the articles and reviews in this issue may seem to overlap or to be related. I could claim that this […]

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