MI5: New Threats for Old? Turning up the Heat: MI5 after the Cold War

Lobster Issue 28 (December 1994) £££

Turning up the Heat: MI5 after the Cold War Larry O’Hara Phoenix Press, London, 1994, £6 (p and p included) from BM Box 4769, London WC1N 3XX; cheques payable to Larry O’Hara. Since 1945 MI5 has had three main domestic targets: Soviet bloc espionage, the British Left and the IRA. With the Soviet target gone, […]

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Lobster Issue 43 (Summer 2002) £££

[…] to me. Flatland Two interesting pieces on Jim Martin’s Flatland Website, http://www.flatland books.com/ His ‘America’s Al-Qaeda: The SLA-Venceremos Connection’ and another take on the Judy Bari/Earth First/ FBI bombing story. Her ex-husband did it, says Martin, not the FBI. Red Star Research By far the best source on New Labour, personnel, sources of funding […]

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Irangate and Secret Arms-for-Hostage Deal

Lobster Issue 14 (1987) £££

[…] “core group” during the 1980 hostage crisis. Herbert Cohen of the Hoover Institution, a member of the Carter Administration’s Hostage Task Force and a consultant to the FBI and Justice Departments on the hostage negotiations in 1980, met with Reagan Campaign Manager William Casey in the New York City Plaza Hotel in September 1980 […]

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More JFK Assassination books

Lobster Issue 27 (1994) £££

First off, a slight digression. There’s been much talk recently about just how many books have been published on the assassination. ‘Over 2000’ is the figure that has been thrown around and this may be traced to the very opening sentence of Gerald Posner’s egregious Case Closed: Lee Harvey Oswald and the Assassination of JFK […]

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DEA, Crime and the Press Today

Lobster Issue 12 (1986) £££

[…] activities – the latter for smuggling activities from a Costa Rica base owned by Anastasio Somoza, the patron of Torrijos’ current enemy Orlando Bosch. According to an FBI report on Frank Sturgis in 1972, when Hunt recruited him and Barker for Watergate “sources in Miami say that he is now associated with organised crime […]

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Eye Spy!

Lobster Issue 42 (Winter 2001/2) £££

[…] newspapers. MI5 lost laptops! Le Carre was a spy! ETA are bad! Star Wars hack Donald Rumsford has ‘vast political experience’ and his credibility is ‘sky high!’ FBI spy Robert Hanssen was bad! (But no info about his specific badness, and no mention of the tunnel the Americans dug under the Russian embassy, or […]

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Pipe Dreams: the CIA, Drugs, and the Media

Lobster Issue 33 (Summer 1997) £££

[…] here, but consider the following items, at least: Medellin trafficker Carlos Lehder testified at Noriega’s 1991 trial that the Medellin cartel gave $10 million to the contras. FBI informant Wanda Palacio told the Kerry subcommittee that she saw cocaine being loaded onto pilot Wallace Sawyer’s plane in Barranquilla, Colombia in 1985. (Sawyer and his […]

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Outlaws of America: The Weather Undergound and the Politics of Solidarity

Book cover
Lobster Issue 52 (Winter 2006/7) £££

Dan Berger Edinburgh and Oakland (USA): AK Press 2006; £15 and $20, p/b   The front cover of this history of the group shows a small group of the Weatherwomen, most with crash helmets on, carrying North Vietnamese flags, marching through Chicago to fight the Chicago police who were waiting in the centre of the […]

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The Kennedys: An American Drama

Lobster Issue 10 (1986) £££

[…] Diem by a personal friend of Kennedy’s, Torbert MacDonald. “MacDonald himself explained why Kennedy sent him. The President had begun to develop personal sources of information from FBI men who were bypassing J. Edgar Hoover and going directly to him. Some CIA people were following a similar route and avoiding the agency …. when […]

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Afterword: the search for “Maurice Bishop”

Lobster Issue 10 (1986) £££

[…] was not in Mexico City on October 10th. The man responsible for CIA surveillance operations in Mexico City was George F. Munroe, a fervent right-winger and ex- FBI agent. He was responsible for the wiring of the Soviet Embassy and Cuban Consulate. According to HSCA information there were also human contacts with two spies […]

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