Clippings Digest to May 31st. 1984

Lobster Issue 5 (1984) £££

Clippings Digest to May 31st. 1984 Policing The Miners Up to May 30th. These are only brief references to the major elements. Magistrates setting restrictive bail conditions. Guardian 5th April Police trying to buy NUM badges Guardian 19th May Police changing their ID numbers for picket duty Tribune 25th May Pickets charged with conspiracy for […]

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Michael Ledeen again

Lobster Issue 49 (Summer 2005) £££

[…] hard to think of anyone with a better motive or a stronger track record in Cold War and ‘war on terror’ disinformation. Wolfowitz, New Labour and the BBC On June 10 1997, shortly after New Labour was elected, Paul Wolfowitz was special guest at a party thrown by the British Ambassador in Washington, Sir […]

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Crozier country: Free Agent: the unseen war 1941-1991

Lobster Issue 26 (1993) £££

[…] seen at Conservative Party Central Office); Tony Kerpel (last seen listed as a ‘consultant’ to the recent (AugustSeptember 1993) 3-part tv series by Kenneth Baker MP on BBC TV); and Edward Leigh (now an MP and junior Minister). Crozier also claims to have created the psy-ops outfits of the Coalition for Peace through Security […]

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Lobster Issue 40 (Winter 2000/1) £££

[…] to incinerate every last surviving particle of nerve agent. The best approach for Mr. Hambling, as for Mr. Hollick , is to approach Tim Sebastian, the former BBC Correspondent who investigated Black Cat, and to also speak with the Countess of Mar. Tim Sebastian confirmed to me in a telephone call that he had […]

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The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue 54 (Winter 2007/8) £££

[…] of the inability of Labour and Democratic politicians to look reality in the face. Tunes and pipers Phil Chamberlain alerted me the reference in the blog of BBC Chief Political Correspondent Nick Robinson to Gordon Brown reading Frances Stonor Saunders’ Who Paid The Piper?, her long account of the CIA’s ‘cultural war’ in the […]

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Big Boys Rules

Book cover
Lobster Issue 24 (December 1992) £££

[…] Nonetheless this line is at the heart of both of the Bruce and Urban books. Urban is an interesting figure. A sometime full-time soldier, now with the BBC, Urban affects not to be just the traditional defence correspondent, dependent on the droppings of the MOD press office. He notes in this book that while […]

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Kincoragate – Loose Ends

Lobster Issue 4 (1984) £££

[…] Stormont. * * * The new Kincora inquiry will be chaired by a retired English circuit judge, William Hughes. When asked on ‘The World At One’ ( BBC Radio 4, 18th January 1984) if the inquiry would take evidence on the alleged activities of the intelligence agencies, James Prior, Northern Ireland Secretary of State, […]

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Tell me lies

Book cover
Lobster Issue 47 (Summer 2004) £££

[…] the essays on the workings of the media and state propaganda; and of those the most interesting pieces to me are by the journalists: Tim Llewellyn, former BBC reporter, on how the corporation persuades itself that it isn’t pro-Israeli; Yvonne Ridley on waking-up to the reality of what the major media was doing; and […]

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Splinter Factor update

Lobster Issue 23 (1992) £££

[…] entirely from Stewart Steven’s book and his sources. To the latter’s account can be added the following. (a) Michael Charlton’s, The Eagle and the Small Birds ( BBC, London, 1984) contains a section, pp. 78-85, on the post-war show trials. But there appears to be no readily available full-scale study of them. Given the […]

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New Labour tittle-tattle

Lobster Issue 54 (Winter 2007/8) £££

[…] also points out that ‘chroniclers of the New Labour government as well as biographers of the Prime Minister have effectively ignored Rupert Murdoch’. Jon Sopel of the BBC never mentioned him in his 1995 Blair biog; in 550 pages on New Labour, The Observer’s Andrew Rawnsley gave Murdoch three name checks; and John Rentoul […]

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