Dirty Tricks Nixon, Watergate, and the CIA by Shane O’Sullivan

Lobster Issue 77 (Summer 2019) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] O’Brien’s office.” “We tap them, they tap us, it’s routine,” he said.’ (p. 188) It is surprising that a former senior CIA officer, whose speciality had been security, let something like this ‘slip’. More support for the Copeland thesis quoted above, perhaps. But the author shows that at least one other member of the […]

LBJ: the mastermind of JFK’s assassination by Phillip F. Nelson

Lobster Issue 61 (Summer 2011) FREE

[PDF file]: […] Percy Holt were my contacts, plus Tippit a few times. Otherwise I can’t say who ran the safe house.’ In this paragraph he offers the Defence Industrial Security Command (DISC) and MI5 Division 5, who were in a version of the assassination story circulating in the 1970s called The Torbitt Memorandum (which originated in […]

Arnhem 65 years on

Lobster Issue 58 (Winter 2009/2010) FREE

[PDF file]: […] our first child, was now living. She was surprised to see me and even more surprised at my gaunt and haunted appearance. Since I could not, for security reasons, explain what had happened, she very sensibly set about trying to cheer me up. Nonetheless it was a desolate and miserable time.’ Urquhart was in […]

Griftopia: Bubble Machines, Vampire Squids and the Long Con That Is Breaking America by Matt Taibbi

Lobster Issue 61 (Summer 2011) FREE

[PDF file]: […] There is something worth quoting on almost every page. In the other equally entertaining and lucid chapters Taibbi discusses the Tea Party and what it means, social security and the attempts by the Republicans to get their hands on it, oil prices (and commodity speculation in general) and the selling-off of American infrastructure – […]

The Field of Fight: How We Can Win the Global War Against Radical Islam and Its Allies by Lt. General Michael T Flynn and Michael Ledeen

Lobster Issue 73 (Summer 2017) FREE

[PDF file]: […] and Its Allies Lt. General Michael T Flynn and Michael Ledeen New York: St Martin’s Press, 2016 The appointment of General Michael Flynn as Donald Trump’s national security adviser highlights a great contradiction that runs through what we know of the new administration’s foreign policy. On the one hand, Flynn has on many occasions […]

Divine Rascal: On the Trail of LSD’s Cosmic Courier, Michael Hollingshead by Andy Roberts

Lobster Issue 80 (Winter 2020) FREE

[PDF file]: […] were generally good company but borrowed money and never paid it back; did little to nothing and lived on what were then quite generous amounts of social security. Such people often had extraordinary personal histories, and interesting insights into recent events and wellknown characters. They had skirted the fringes of fame but had either […]

View from Bridge 87

Lobster Issue

[…] organization, no one will recognize it, no one will give it status at the , no one will let it put forth a resolution at the U.N. Security Council.8 A third Israeli official, Brigadier General Yitzhak Segev – who, during part of the 1980s, was the Israeli military governor of the Gaza Strip – […]

The Oyston Files by Andrew Rosthorn

Lobster Issue 83 (Summer 2022) FREE

[PDF file]: […] in Thatcher cabinets and would later, due to ‘knowledge of defence, foreign policy and the world of intelligence’ be ‘the only Lords member of the Intelligence and Security Committee’. See or 3 1 abundantly clear that the author, Andrew Rosthorn, is intricately familiar with the subject.4 Indeed, Oyston is reported to have admitted to […]

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