Newsinger Armed and Dangerous 88

Lobster Issue

[…] before the police were finally able to rescue the kids. (pp. 165-166) Nance also tells us how in June 2017, Alex Jones had former US Marine and CIA officer, Robert David Steele, on his ‘Infowars’ show.3 They talked about a colony of kidnapped child slaves on Mars, who were being harvested for their bone […]

Friends of Israel

Lobster Issue 86 (2023) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] very visibly during Corbyn’s leadership of Discussed at or . 19 Guardian journalist Richard Norton-Taylor disclosed in 1991 that some 500 prominent Britons were paid by the CIA through the corrupt Bank of Commerce and Credit International, including 90 journalists, many of whom were in ‘senior positions’. 20 See ‘The British American Project for […]

Blood Year: Islamic State and the Failures of the War on Terror by David Kilcullen

Lobster Issue 71 (Summer 2016) FREE

[PDF file]: Blood Year Islamic State and the Failures of the War on Terror David Kilcullen London: Hurst and Co., 2016, £9.99, p/b D avid Kilcullen has established a reputation for himself as the ‘thinking person’s counterrevolutionary’. An Australian national, formerly a professional soldier with counterinsurgency expertise. According to his own testimony he served ‘the Bush administration […]

Megrahi – You Are My Jury: The Lockerbie Evidence by John Ashton

Lobster Issue 64 (Winter 2012) FREE

[PDF file]: […] that the man charged by Reagan in 1985 with drawing up concrete plans against Libya – code-named ‘Flower/Rose’ – was Robert Gates. He went on to become CIA director under George Bush Sr and stayed on as Defence Secretary when Barack Obama succeeded George Bush Jnr. With Libya having this powerful opponent in the […]

Friends of Israel Booth PDF

Lobster Issue

[…] very visibly during Corbyn’s leadership of Discussed at or . 19 Guardian journalist Richard Norton-Taylor disclosed in 1991 that some 500 prominent Britons were paid by the CIA through the corrupt Bank of Commerce and Credit International, including 90 journalists, many of whom were in ‘senior positions’. 20 See ‘The British American Project for […]

Deep Kiss: How the Washington Post missed the biggest Watergate story of all

Lobster Issue 75 (Summer 2018) FREE

[PDF file]: […] with Ehrlichman and it is unclear why it was filed alongside Johnson compiled a dossier on what he knew of Nixon’s treason, including documents gleaned from the CIA and FBI detailing surveillance of Nixon’s go-betweens. Johnson entrusted his so-called ‘X-Envelope’ to Walt Rostow, his National Security Advisor. On 26 June 1973, with Johnson now […]

Friends of Israel Booth pdf

Lobster Issue

[…] very visibly during Corbyn’s leadership of Discussed at or . 19 Guardian journalist Richard Norton-Taylor disclosed in 1991 that some 500 prominent Britons were paid by the CIA through the corrupt Bank of Commerce and Credit International, including 90 journalists, many of whom were in ‘senior positions’. 20 See ‘The British American Project for […]

The rise of New Labour

Lobster Issue 63 (Summer 2012) FREE

[PDF file]: […] through NATO’s Atlantic Committee; or through the Trade Union Committee for Transatlantic and European Unity, created by US Labour attaché Joe Godson in the 1970s. If the CIA was in the British labour movement, it was in this committee. The Americans knew that NuLab were ‘on side’. The City was relaxed about NuLab: John […]

The Darkest Sides of Politics I & II by Jeffrey M Bale

Lobster Issue 75 (Summer 2018) FREE

[PDF file]: […] the apartheid South African state’s Project Coast, its exploration and use of chemical and biological weapons; and an account of the Unification Church (the ‘Moonies’), the Korean CIA and the World Anti-Communist League – all fine pieces of detailed parapolitical work. And then 9/11 happens and Bale sets out to explain On-line at or […]

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