Zelensky Ukraine parapolitics

Lobster Issue

[…] decided to leak the intelligence material in order to damage his electoral opponent. 100 26 had begun to flow, out of Ukraine and into the comedy troupe’s secret offshore accounts. At the centre of this network was a corporation called Maltex Multicapital. Based in the British Virgin Islands, Maltex was owned by a front […]

The Clandestine Caucus: a minor update

Lobster Issue 88 (2024) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] update Robin Ramsay I researched and wrote The Clandestine Caucus (listed on the website as CC) in the years following the publication of Smear! Wilson and the Secret State. It continued that book’s exploration of role of the spooks in British politics, with an interest in the history of the Tory right triggered by […]

Zelensky Ukraine parapolitics

Lobster Issue

[…] decided to leak the intelligence material in order to damage his electoral opponent. 100 26 had begun to flow, out of Ukraine and into the comedy troupe’s secret offshore accounts. At the centre of this network was a corporation called Maltex Multicapital. Based in the British Virgin Islands, Maltex was owned by a front […]

Zelensky Ukraine parapolitics

Lobster Issue

[…] decided to leak the intelligence material in order to damage his electoral opponent. 100 26 had begun to flow, out of Ukraine and into the comedy troupe’s secret offshore accounts. At the centre of this network was a corporation called Maltex Multicapital. Based in the British Virgin Islands, Maltex was owned by a front […]

View from Bridge 88 copy

Lobster Issue

[…] papers. Doty says that Reagan asked to be briefed on the UFO thing as soon as he became president. 6 See, for example, Brain Bender, ‘The Pentagon’s Secret Search for UFOs’ from Politico in 2017 at or . 7 See or . 8 9 2 by US pilots of their regular encounters with UFOs. […]


Lobster Issue 71 (Summer 2016) FREE

[PDF file]: […] strengthen the notion that the UK needed a ‘firm’ leader? into paedophilia in high places in the past. Watson should have read the late Richard Webster’s The Secret of Bryn Estyn, the gold standard for anyone venturing into such murky waters.7 Alternatively, he could have asked any number of people for advice. Perhaps this […]

States of Emergency: Keeping the global population in check by Kees van der Pijl

Lobster Issue 84 (Winter 2022) FREE
To access this content, you must subscribe to Lobster (click for details).

[PDF file]: […] As for ‘direct security-service influence’ I don’t see much of that, either. There is infinitely more reporting on – and analysis of – the British state and secret state than there used to be.15 I became interested in this in the late 1970s when all we had regularly writing on the subject were Paul […]

View from Bridge copy

Lobster Issue

[…] papers. Doty says that Reagan asked to be briefed on the UFO thing as soon as he became president. 6 See, for example, Brain Bender, ‘The Pentagon’s Secret Search for UFOs’ in Politico in 2017 at or . 7 8 2 live extraterrestrial; and there has been continuous UFO activity ever since, especially around […]

Climate hysterics: useful idiots or just idiots

Lobster Issue 78 (Winter 2019) FREE

[PDF file]: […] For those who have never dealt with the concept of monopoly capitalism – the prevailing economic system, euphemistically called ‘free enterprise’ – a trust is a usually secret agreement among big businesses (banking, oil, transportation, utilities etc.) to fix prices and allocate markets so as to guarantee profits and cushion losses; or, in US […]

View from Bridge copy

Lobster Issue

[…] papers. Doty says that Reagan asked to be briefed on the UFO thing as soon as he became president. 6 See, for example, Brain Bender, ‘The Pentagon’s Secret Search for UFOs’ in Politico in 2017 at or . 7 8 2 live extraterrestrial; and there has been continuous UFO activity ever since, especially around […]

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