Volodymyr Zelensky and the breadbasket-case of Europe: The deep politics of a hybrid regime

Lobster Issue 87 (2023) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] I expected that , who was constantly joking about the political system in the country, would manage not to go down that road himself.15 Rather like Donald Trump, another TV star who unexpectedly became a president, Zelensky circumvented the standard news media with an aggressive online marketing campaign, run by an ad-hoc crew calling […]

Zelensky Ukraine parapolitics

Lobster Issue

[…] I expected that , who was constantly joking about the political system in the country, would manage not to go down that road himself.15 Rather like Donald Trump, another TV star who unexpectedly became a president, Zelensky circumvented the standard news media with an aggressive online marketing campaign, run by an ad-hoc crew calling […]

Zelensky Ukraine parapolitics

Lobster Issue

[…] I expected that , who was constantly joking about the political system in the country, would manage not to go down that road himself.15 Rather like Donald Trump, another TV star who unexpectedly became a president, Zelensky circumvented the standard news media with an aggressive online marketing campaign, run by an ad-hoc crew calling […]

Zelensky Ukraine parapolitics

Lobster Issue

[…] I expected that , who was constantly joking about the political system in the country, would manage not to go down that road himself.15 Rather like Donald Trump, another TV star who unexpectedly became a president, Zelensky circumvented the standard news media with an aggressive online marketing campaign, run by an ad-hoc crew calling […]

Reporter: A Memoir by Seymour M. Hersh

Lobster Issue 76 (Winter 2018) FREE

[PDF file]: […] the government of the United States – with ease. It was stunning to realize how fragile our Constitution was’. (What on earth does he make of the Trump presidency?) The War on Terror was an opportunity to reshape the whole Middle East in the US interest, beginning with the decision to invade Iraq. And […]

The USA, China and a new Cold War?

Lobster Issue 80 (Winter 2020) FREE

[PDF file]: […] ‘belt and road’ initiatives – are designed to project political and military power as well as commerce. The deterioration in economic relations has followed accusations from the Trump administration that China has not respected intellectual property rights and that it has operated a mercantilist economic strategy while paying lip service to the ideals of […]

Conspiracy theories in the time of Covid-19, by Clare Birchall and Peter Knight

Lobster Issue 85 (Summer 2023) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] the broadcast media on the American right, notably Fox News, which gave air time to some of the theories – and by then presidential candidate, later president, Trump. (p. 129) It is unclear to what extent Donald Trump’s erratic comments on Covid in its early stages legitimised the vaccine sceptics. How this ‘perfect storm […]

Operation Just Causes’s Unjust Aftermath

Lobster Issue 87 (2023) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] far only a few short months after their celebration of a victory for democracy and the rule of law. The United States now demanded that its interests trump democracy in Panama, while Panama dug in to resist attempts to make it enforce North American laws. One U.S. Senate staffer said bluntly, ‘It’s time for […]

South of the border

Lobster Issue 79 (Summer 2020) FREE

[PDF file]: South of the border (occasional snippets from) Nick Must Spook joke department ‘UK spies will need artificial intelligence’ reads the headline to a Gordon Corera piece on BBC news online.1 Yes, the gags are pretty much writing themselves now. Deferred prosecution agreements – buying your way out of trouble ‘A deferred prosecution agreement, or “DPA,” […]

Brexit Revisited: Europe Didn’t Work, and, Brexit Unfolded

Lobster Issue 84 (Winter 2022) FREE
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[PDF file]: […] As it happens, there is no special relationship between the US and the UK. The US would have preferred the UK to remain in the EU. Obama, Trump and now Biden did not encourage the UK with the prospect of a trade deal, except one on US terms. Moreover Biden is particularly keen to […]

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