We’re breaking new ground: Operation Century

Lobster Issue 39 (Summer 2000) £££

[…] the exercise was to threaten and frighten .’ Cameron compares bullish Dibley with cocky Challenor, the most notorious policeman of the 1960s, who in 1990 bragged of murder threats he had made.(1) Dibley partly justified Century’s terror tactics by referring to a previous covert police operation, Edzell. An undercover WPC tried to seduce confessions […]

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Recent JFK (and related) literature

Lobster Issue 31 (June 1996) £££

[…] Chickasaw Indian who claims to have been on the sixth floor of the TSBD ‘helping out’ the assassins when JFK was hit. And who was behind the murder? Step forward LBJ. Collom and Sample take Factor at face value and attempt to bolster his claims. Belongs on the shelf next to Henry Hurt’s championing […]


Lobster Issue 48 (Winter 2004) £££

[…] as ‘environmentalist and peace campaigner’). Following a ‘cold case review’ by West Mercia Constabulary in 2002, a Shrewsbury labourer, Andrew George, was charged with her kidnap and murder in June 2003. In February 2004 two more men were arrested in connection with the case, only to be released the following day, ‘pending further inquiries’. […]

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Lobster Issue 43 (Summer 2002) £££

[…] Communist regime in Poland in the same year. Or how they treat the Polish Communist government’s killing of the Catholic priest Jerzy Popieluszko in 1984 versus the murder of church people in U.S. client states in Latin America. Or how they treat elections in friendly client states like El Salvador in the 1980s or […]

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Blinded by the light: Puppet Masters: the Political Use of Terrorism in Italy

Lobster Issue 23 (1992) £££

[…] the upsurge of political violence in Italy, starting with the (fascist imputed) Milan bank bombing in 1969, and two key traumatic episodes — the capture and ultimate murder of Christian Democrat (DC) party leader Aldo Moro by the Red Brigades (BR) in 1978, and the Bologna railway station bombing in 1980 when 85 died, […]

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Northern Ireland Act 1974

Lobster Issue 14 (1987) £££

[…] being made extensively here in Britain, in republican circles and on Irish radio and television. A particularly horrifying incident that many hon. Members will remember was the murder of three members of the Miami showband – completely innocent musicians with no political affiliations whatsoever. It took place in the midst of the cease-fire that […]

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Stalin’s granny, Christopher Andrew and the Cold War

Lobster Issue 38 (Winter 1999) £££

I invited David Turner to begin writing a regular column for Lobster. He agreed then rang to tell me his computer had been attacked by a virus and could not meet my deadline. (He is the second contributor to this issue to have been virused recently.) But I had on file this splendid polemic written … Read more

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The view from the bridge

Lobster Issue 43 (Summer 2002) £££

[…] used its techniques against the radical left, take heart! The Evening Standard Diary 13 June 2001 reported that the diaries of Private Lee Clegg, convicted for the murder of two joy riders in Northern Ireland, and a minor cause célèbre for the right and the British Army, disappeared in the mail despite being sent […]

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Agreement! The State, Conflict and Change in Northern Ireland

Book cover
Lobster Issue 57 (Summer 2009) £££

[…] read or see about developments in North-ern Ireland has been given a new perspective. It is one that shows conclusively that the British government colluded with the murder of lawyers sympathetic to the republican cause in that province. Their names may be familiar: Pat Finucane and Rosemary Nelson. The question revealed for us all […]

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The View from the Bridge

Lobster Issue 30 (December 1995) £££

[…] began running interference for MI5 at the Wapping gulag. I wrote to Mr Greenslade pointing out these earlier events but to date have received no reply. The murder of WPC Yvonne Fletcher Joe Vialls’ exploration of this murder – which he thinks he committed, while under some kind of mind control – has taken […]

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