Britain spinning in the Sibel Edmonds web

Lobster Issue 56 (Winter 2008/9) £££

[…] that facilities at the company were being used in the manufacture of centrifuge components and for the training of Libyan scientists. Amin’s Custom’s contact at the British embassy was one Malcolm Nesbit. Upon arrival in Dubai, Nesbit set up a meeting with the local MI6 station chief. At this point he received yet another […]

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Lobster Issue 45 (Summer 2003) £££

[…] man now working alongside – and possibly replacing in time – Alastair Campbell in running the Prime Minister’s spin machine. Blair’s chief of staff is former Washington embassy diplomat Jonathan Powell. Recruited to the BAP in 1991 along with new TUC general secretary Brendan Barber, Powell has praised the organisation for ‘taking the working […]

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PR, Iraq and ‘the allies’

Lobster Issue 45 (Summer 2003) £££

[…] marketing: i.e. my pal’s views of them, coupled with his professional standing, have ‘legs’…. By chance, I also met two principled American-Arab diplomats attached to the US embassy to Britain, at the London office of Al-Jazeera. Their eyes red with exhaustion/anguish, at the height of the US/UK invasion of Iraq, they had been given […]

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Irangate and Secret Arms-for-Hostage Deal

Lobster Issue 14 (1987) £££

[…] Reagan Campaign’s intelligence operation, Robert Garrick, was in close contact with John Coale, a Washington, D.C. attorney who represented the 13 hostages released early from the American Embassy in Tehran (Albosta Report, Vol. I, p. 54). On Sunday, April 20, 1980, two days after Carter’s decision to go ahead with the rescue attempt and […]

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The biggest of big lies?

Lobster Issue 55 (Summer 2008) £££

[…] completed Operation Storm (carried out with U.S. assistance). The room was full of journalists and things were just about to start when a official from the U.S. Embassy in Zagreb suddenly entered and announced that a press conference was about to begin at the embassy where information would be released on aerial photos of […]

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More Notes on the Right

Lobster Issue 13 (1987) £££

[…] et al. A good example is Bernard Levin’s article in The Times 2 February 1987. In the case of Imam, the journal put out by the Iranian embassy in London. For example the Niederense article reviewed in this issue. Available from George Mitchell, 90 St. John St., Glasgow Cl, £1.50 It’s Not Over… ‘Til […]

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New Labour, New Atlanticism: US and Tory intervention in the unions since the 1970s

Lobster Issue 33 (Summer 1997) £££

[…] the CIA.(20) TUCETU’s roots lie in the Labour Committee for Transatlantic Understanding (LCTU), set up in 1976 by the late Joe Godson, labour attaché at the US embassy and highly active in Labour politics from the Gaitskell period onwards. As TUCETU put it, LCTU was formed ‘in order to develop a better understanding of […]

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Contamination, the Labour Party, nationalism and the Blairites

Lobster Issue 33 (Summer 1997) £££

[…] chief economist with the American bankers, Goldman Sachs.(50) Jonathan Powell, Blair’s foreign policy advisor, is a former foreign office official whose previous posting was in the British embassy in Washington.(51) Chris Smith, now Heritage Minister, was a Kennedy Scholar in the USA (as were David Miliband and Ed Balls).(52) Patrician Hewitt works for the […]

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The Kennedys: An American Drama

Lobster Issue 10 (1986) £££

[…] …. when he heard that Big Minh and his group were planning to assassinate Diem, he wanted to make a direct contact. He was hesitant about the embassy in Saigon because he could not trust his people there. So he called on Torby who … told Diem “They’re going to kill you. You’ve got […]

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George Korkala’s address book

Lobster Issue 7 (1985) £££

[…] Irwin Kimmelman 325 2700 Ron Wiss Kastners Hamdid 667 1384 Kensington Hilton 603 3355 Hans Kunz 28 Chaban 13?7H Geneva Lea – Carl Lande 751 0001 Lybia Embassy 589 5235 Locks – Tom King 203 446 8902 Lenzar – Jim Davis London Rest Topo Gigio – Piccadilly Carlos Place Fulham Road Maeco 703 524 […]

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